Explanation: The rotundity of his belly was considerably increased by the shortness of his stature, his shadow ascending very near as far in height when he lay on his back, as when he stood on his legs.

Answer: These lines have been chosen from Henry Fielding’s prominent satire in the form of an epic on the road named Joseph Andrews. Here Fielding seeks to pinpoint the superficial clergies of his time presenting Parson Trulliber as a contrastive character of Parson Adams.

Critics have remarked him as Mr. Oliver, curate of Motcombe who taught Fielding as a child. Fielding has given a graphic picture of him where he mentions his physical appearance which is also indicative of his moral bankruptcy. He is apparently a satire on the bad clergies of the day. He has no respect for Christian virtues such as hospitality and charity. He calls Adams a vagabond and beggar for asking him to lend a few shillings. Indeed, he belongs to the gamut of hypocritical characters in the novel. His physical barrenness is indicative of the spiritual shortcomings in his nature that do not possess any respect for real Christian virtues such as hospitality and charity. He is also a representative idle parson who nourishes a large belly and arouses laughter with his presence.

At last, we may call him a gamut of hypocritical characters who knows nothing about Christianity and only makes the post humiliated by his presence and identity. He is in fact, as Adams declares, no Christian but blame for the name.

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