How does a tree grow?

In the first stanza of the poem, ‘On Killing a Tree Give Patel describes the growth of a tree. According to the poet, a tree grows slowly by consuming the nutrients from the earth. The tree takes essential nutrients from the earth’s upper crust and prepares its food. It also absorbs sunlight, air and water, the three elemental (এলিমেন্টাল) forces of nature, to produce (প্রডিউস) food. This food reaches (রিচেস) all parts of the tree as a result of which the tree grows. Thus, taking in nutrients from the earth and the atmosphere, the tree grows gradually. The poet describes the growth of a tree to suggest its vivacity.

“So hack and chop/But this alone won’t do it.”-What does ‘it’ refer to? Why won’t hacking and chopping do it?

How does the tree in ‘On Killing a Tree’ heal itself?

“But this alone won’t do it.”-What does this’ refer to? Why won’t this be able to do it? What is to be done to do’it completely?

“No, / The root is to be pulled out—”—What does the word “No’ suggest? What are the methods used by man to completely destroy a tree?

“The source, white and wet, /The most sensitive, hidden” What does the word ‘source’ refer to here? How does the poet describe the root and its function?

Explain: “And then it is done”.

How does the poet describe the killing of a tree in the poem, ‘On Killing a Tree’?

Why does the poet describe the killing of a tree in such graphie detail?

What is the message of the poem ‘On Killing a Tree’ according to you? Explain.

‘On Killing a Tree’ is an ironical poem.- Justify.

Give the central idea of the poem, ‘On Killing a Tree’.

Justify the appropriateness of the title of the poem, ‘On Killing a Tree’.

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