“.. he has never done / With his delights’- Who is ‘he’? What does ‘he’ do? What does the extract mean?

Here, ‘he’ refers to the grasshopper.

In ‘The Poetry of Earth’ Keats presents a beautiful picture of summer and depicts the grasshopper as the poet of summer. The birds, feeling exhausted in the intolerable heat, become silent and take refuge in the cool shades of trees. Just then the grasshopper takes the lead’ to keep the song going. As he takes the lead’ the song of summer is heard from one hedge to another. Nothing can dampen his spirit and he goes on hailing nature while the air is filled with the smell of lately mown grasses in the meadows. When he gets tired, he takes rest beneath some pleasant weed and again sets out to sing with renewed vigour.

Through this extract, the poet wants to convey that, though everything seems to be at standstill in summer, the grasshopper keeps the poetry of earth alive all through the season with energy, liveliness, happiness and rejuvenated life-force.

“He rests at ease beneath some pleasant weed.”-Who is ‘he’ here? Where does the rest? How does he enliven nature?

Here ‘he’ refers to the grasshopper.

When the grasshopper gets tired, he rests beneath ‘some pleasant weed to get back his energy. In summer, plants, animals and other creatures of the earth get exhausted due to the scorching heat. Birds, unable to sing any longer, hide under the shade of the trees. So, to rejuvenate nature, the grasshopper takes the lead and through his voice, he continuous the poetry of earth. He moves from one hedge to the other among the new-mown mead’ and spreads joy to every corner of the earth. In this way, he enlivens nature in summer.

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