What is the focus of the play? Is it a character? Is it an action? Is it the unpredictability of the people? Explain your answer.

In the play The Proposal’ written by Anton Chekhov, the focus is on the situation, specifically on the marriage proposal. This is the theme of the play. The whole plot revolves around this unuttered proposal. There is no scope for action in the play. However, the characters and their unpredictability contribute largely to the comic elements of the play. The climax is reached when Lomov regains consciousness, Chubukov, making no delay, declares the engagement of Natalya and Lomov. This situation, where the father hurriedly accepts the proposal on behalf of his daughter, evokes laughter. It also makes us think about the absurdity of the custom of courtship by focussing on this situational laughter, through which Chekhov satirises the prevalent social practices of 19th century Russia.


Write a brief note on Chekhov’s depiction of aristocratic society in ‘The Proposal’.

Anton Chekhov satirises the aristocratic society of Russia of those days in the play The Proposal’. The play presents the theme of the spiritual failure of characters in a disintegrating society. The lives of the landed gentry like Chubukov and Lomov are shown to be futile, boring and lonely. They are unable to have an honest conversation with each other and are suspicious and quarrelsome. Their arguments reveal the conflicts, growing within society. The sorry plight of the landless peasants has been revealed by Lomov in the course of the conversation, where we learn that they worked for forty years on Oxen Meadows without gaining ownership. This kind of exploitation sickens the society which is revealed by Lomov’s swooning and his frequent references to various ailments. Thus through a humorous portrayal of the characters and their dialogues, Chekhov criticizes the intriguing, hypocritical and mercenary landed gentry.

Why does Chekhov choose only three characters to deliver his message to us?

What aspects of the human condition and society does the play make fun of?

What is Anton Chekhov trying to say about the manner in which neighbours interact/ behave? Support your answer with evidence from the play.

How would you best describe the personalities of each of the characters in the play?

How does Chekhov alternate the actual proposal and the arguments? Explain your answer.

What are the effect of this alternating the proposal and the arguments? Explain your answer.

Comment on the setting of the play with reference to costume, customs and mannerism. Does it relate to the socio-economic background of that period?

Discuss the reasons why the marriage proposal is important to all the characters.

Discuss the significance of the title ‘The Eyes Have It’.

Establish ‘The Eyes Have It’ as a good short story.

What instructions were given to the girl by her parents before she started her journey? Do you think the narrator started to like the girl from the very beginning? Support your answer with reference to the text.

….my voice startled her.”- Who is the speaker here? Who is mentioned as “her”? Why was she “startled” by the voice of the speaker? What did she do afterwards?

“I didn’t see you either”, I said. “But I heard you come in.’ Was it not a hint for the girl to understand that the narrator was blind? What did the narrator think before stating this?

What was the destination of the narrator in the story The Eyes Have It’? What description of his destination did he give? How could he give such a description in spite of being blind?

“Oh, how lucky you are.” -Who is the speaker here? Who is “you” referred to? Why is the person spoken to being called “lucky”?

“Yes, October is the best time”- Who is the speaker? On what occasion is the remark made and to whom? Why is October the best time?

“…she thought me a romantic fool”- Who might be thought a romantic fool? When and … why did the speaker doubt so?

“Then I made a mistake”-What ‘mistake’ did the speaker make? Why was it a ‘mistake’? What removed the speaker’s doubts? What did the speaker do then?