As an educationist Gandhiji was :
(a) A naturalist
(b) An idealist.
(c) Naturalist, an idealist and a Pragmatist all together.
(d) A Pragmatist
Which of the following type represent M.K. Gandhi’s contribution education?
(a) Education for man making
(b) Basic education
(c) Integral education
(d) Education for international understanding
Which of the following type represents Aurobindo’s contribution to education?
(a) Integral education
(b) Education for man making
(c) Basic education
(d) Education for international understanding
The community influences the child’s growth and development:
(a) Formally
(b) Informally
(c) Formally and informally
(d) Neither formally nor informally
Which institution has maximum control over education?
(a) Religion
(b) State
(c) Family
(d) Economy
Which of the following type represents Vivekananda’s contribution to education?
(a) Integral education
(b) Basic education
(c) Education for man making
(d) Education for international understanding.
Mark out the reason that made Jawahar Lal the great leader
(a) His brahminical heritage
(b) His parentage
(c) His leadership of the Congress
(d) His personal qualities
The future of education in India depend on:
(a) Government
(b) Economy
(c) Family
(d) Society
In India education is the responsibility of:
(a) Central Government
(b) State Government
(c) Both
(d) Neither
Word Education has originated in
(a) ‘E’ and ‘Catum’
(b) Edu and ‘Catum’
(c) Word ‘Educate’
(d) None of the above
What is the place of principal in an educational institute?
(a) Principal is the overall head of the school
(b) Principal manages the school
(c) Principal is the founder of the school
(d) Principalars is the owner of the school
The education acquired without any specific purpose, fixed period and place is called
(a) Individual Education
(b) Indirect Education
(c) Informal Education
(d) Formal Education
Experimental method of education psychology is
(a) Very reliable authentic and regular
(b) Reliable but not regular
(c) Cannot be called reliable
(d) None of the above statements is correct
The Ultimate Goal of education from a philosophic power of view in the east
(a) is not perfection of the individual but also becoming continuously beyond one self.
(b) Is not soly becoming as the UNESCO commission says but expanding into the absolute
(c) Is that a midest places high value in a permanent opposition to continue to learn.
(d) Refers to a disciplined life to achieve unity among one’s desires and aspirations.
Man according to Charvaka Philosophy is :
(a) The physical body
(b) The self
(c) The consciousness
(d) None of above
Preparing the child for future life as an aim of education is preparing child for
(a) Some particular course of study
(b) Some suitable vocations.
(c) Facing all kinds of emergencies and situations of future life
(d) A happy married life.
Harmonious development of the child aim of education means.
(a) Development of a sound mind in a sound body.
(b) Development of all the qualities of the mind of the maximum possible extent.
(c) Development of physical, mental, moral and spiritual potentialities of the child in a balanced manner.
(d) Development of the adjustment capacities of the child
The nature of perception according to Charvaka can be said to be
(a) Both
(b) Inauthenitic
(c) Authentic
(d) Neither
The only valid Pramana according to Charvaka is
(a) Perception
(b) Scriptures
(c) Inference
(d) None of the above
A curriculum is all the experiences a child has regardless of
(a) When they take place
(b) How they take place
(c) Both of the above
(d) Curriculum not related to child
In Indian philosophy the validity of scriptures has been challenged by:
(a) The Charvakas
(b) The vedanta
(c) Samkhya
(d) Nyaya
Human consciousness, according to Charvaka philosophy is
(a) Combination of five elements
(b) Self
(c) Body
(d) None of the above
The important means for achievement of liberation according to Samkara is
(a) Distinction of self and not-self
(b) Concentration on Om
(c) Religious practices
(d) All of the above
Liberation as living in the country of God, according to Ramanuja is known as
(a) Salokya
(b) Sayujya
(c) Sanidhya
(d) Samipya
Liberation as eternal contact with God according to Ramanuja is known as
(a) Salokya
(b) Sayujya
(c) Sanidhya
(d) Samipya
Ramanuja’s theory of causation is known as
(a) Vivartavada
(b) Prakrti Parinamavada
(c) Brahman Parinamavada
(d) Asatkarayavada
Which is irrelevant to bringing the scheduled tribes at par with others
(a) Opening of primary schools in the tribal areas.
(b) Developing the curricula and devise instructional materials in tribal languages.
(c) Opening centres of teaching Indian religions.
(d) Opening of anganwadis, non-formal and adult education centres on a priority basis in tribal areas.
Values has been closely linked with interest by
(a) J.B. Perry
(b) W.M. Urban
(c) J.S. Mill
(d) J.S. Mackenzie
Value is concerned with liking, has been said by
(a) J.S. Mill
(b) J.S. Mackenzie
(c) W.M. Urban
(d) D.W. Prall
It is necessary in the interest of equality and social justice in India :
(a) To provide incentives to all educationally backward sections of society, particularly in the rural areas.
(b) To provide employment to all educated persons.
(c) To provide technical education to all the students.
(d) To provide scholarships for education to all students.
The social aims of education imply that
(a) The state is above the individual citizen.
(b) The state is an idealized metaphysical entity.
(c) The state is superior to the individual transcending all his desires and aspirations.
(d) The state has to give not to take anything from the individual
The existence of soul in Indian philosophy has not been accepted by the schools known as
(a) The Charvakas
(b) The Buddhists
(c) Both
(d) Neither
For strengthening democracy as a constitutional value through education it is necessary to ensure that
(a) All people have the freedom to live the life they thing is the best for them.
(b) People are competitive for progress.
(c) People learn large-hearted tolerance, mutual give and take and appreciation of ways.
(d) None of the above
Perception coming through the contact of external senses with objects according to Charvaka is known as
(a) External
(b) Internal
(c) Both
(d) Neither
The relationship of consciousness and body according to Charvaka Philosophy is
(a) Consciousness is the product of body
(b) Body is the product of consciousness
(c) Both
(d) Neither
The possibility of liberation while living has been accepted in Indian philosophy by
(a) Jainas
(b) Ramanuja
(c) Samkara
(d) All the above
Liberation as eternal contact with God according to Ramanuja is known as
(a) Salokya
(b) Samipya
(c) Sanidhya
(d) Sayujya
Liberation according to Samkara is the goal of
(a) Vijnana Atma
(b) Parmatama
(c) Both
(d) Neither
Liberation as becoming a part of God, according to Ramanuja is known as
(a) Salokya
(b) Samipya
(c) Sanidhya
(d) Sayujya
The main centre of informal Education is
(a) Family
(b) Society
(c) Radio and Television
(d) All of the above
Which one of the following sentence is correct?
(a) Teaching is remedial
(b) Teaching is diagnostic
(c) Teaching is diagnostic as well as remedial
(d) All the above statements are correct
For a group of morals to be high
(a) The members must be incapable for agreeing among themselves
(b) The leader of the group should be man of status
(c) The members must have self confidence and a sense of discipline
(d) All of the above
Which statement is not correct from the point of view of effect of heredity on the development of personality
(a) The child of dullard parents will be a dullard
(b) The child of parents of fair complexion will be fair
(c) The child having opposite qualities from the parents
(d) The child of poor parents will be poor
Curriculum activities are used in teaching in order to
(a) to make teaching interesting, easy to understand and effective
(b) make teaching easy
(c) To make teaching attractive
(d) To assist the teacher
The reliability of a test is determined on the principle of
(a) the objectivity of the items included in the test
(b) the consistency of makes obtainers when a test is conducted
(c) the amount of chance efforts that have crept into an assessment
(d) the correctness of the machine or the key used or the assessment of the test
Who was the supporter of Naturalism in Education?
(a) Armstrong
(b) Fracbel
(c) John Locke
(d) Roussue
The first school for a child’s education is
(a) Friends
(b) Society
(c) Family
(d) School
The book written by Plato on education is
(a) The Republic
(b) Education of Pluto
(c) Educational Philosophy
(d) None of the above
What type of questions should be asked in the examination for the evaluation of all the aspects of the total syllabus in a year?
(a) Descriptive question
(b) Essay type question
(c) Critical question
(d) Objective question
According to the idealists
(a) Education should be available to all and
(b) Only they deserve education who are compulsory spiritualists
(c) Education is meant for idealists only
(d) Arrangement of education should be voluntary
What type of questions give knowledge of real ability of students of secondary and high classes ?
(a) Analytic questions
(b) Detailed essay type questions
(c) Objective type questions
(d) Easy questions
The least hindrance in the way of the optimum development of child’s personality is
(a) Mad scramble among various social groups for getting as much of the goods of education as possible
(b) Limited economic surplus that could be spent on education
(c) Free education for all and equal opportunity.
(d) Incompetent teachers.
Education should aim at provision of vocational training for students, at the
(a) Tertiary stage
(b) Secondary stage
(c) Primary stage
(d) University stage
The whole approach to education will undergo a rapid transformation by the inclusion of vocational training in the education of the
(a) Adult education
(b) Indian student
(c) Children education
(d) All of the above
On whose leadership is founded the University at Pondicherry?
(a) Gandhi
(b) Vivekananda
(c) Tagore
(d) Sri Aurobindo
The nature of the differences in socio economic strata of the society such as the wealthy, middle class and the poor is that it
(a) Runs quite frequently, at cross purposes in the demands they make on education
(b) Affects adversely the quality of education
(c) Vitiates the socio-emotional climate of the schools
(d) Affects negatively the morale of the teachers.
With which aspect of education deals the educational sociology?
(a) Social
(b) Psychological
(c) Economic
(d) Political
The aims of Indian education should be
(a) To accelerate the process of modernization
(b) To increase productivity
(c) To bring about social and national integration
(d) All of the above
The Wardha Scheme in the 1930’s was modern as it is
(a) Topical
(b) Revolutionary
(c) Both a & b
(d) None of the above
The difference between the social groups, in the degree of cultural development; or the degree of antipathy manifested by individuals belonging to one group towards individuals belonging to the other in known as social :
(a) Apathy
(b) Selection
(c) Distance
(d) Disorder
While according to Samkhya Philosophy effect in the real modification of cause, according to Samkara it is
(a) Indescribable
(b) Unreal
(c) Real
(d) None of the above
The relationship of the ultimate reality with the world in Indian philosophy has been explained by the theory of
(a) Falsehood
(b) Error
(c) Reality
(d) All the above
Who was the founder of Santi Niketan?
(a) Tagore
(b) Sri Aurobindo
(c) Gandhi
(d) Vivekananda
The theory of causation advanced by Samkara has been proved by
(a) Scriptures
(b) Logic
(c) Experience
(d) All the above
The relation between the Jiva and Brahm an according to Samkara can be explained as
(a) Emanation
(b) Reflection
(c) Identity
(d) Evolution
Examples of illusion in Indian philosophy have been utilized to explain the nature of
(a) Brahman
(b) Atman
(c) Maya
(d) All the above
The nature of world as illusion has been accepted in Indian Philosophy by
(a) Vishishitadvaita
(b) Mimamsa
(c) Advaita Vedanta
(d) All the above
Knowledge according to Mimamsa philosophy is
(a) Real
(b) Unreal
(c) Both
(d) Neither
The Rammurti Report of 1990 laid down the goals or aims in education is/are
(a) Education must be techno-informative
(b) Sound knowledge base
(c) Both can be say
(d) Nothing can say
The educational process is set into motion towards its aim through the
(a) Culture
(b) Course
(c) Curriculum
(d) Both a & b
It is industrial rather than other types of economy which most enhances the regard for education, because
(a) Industrialization has led to the production of a huge wealth
(b) Each country has had tremendous development of industry
(c) Modern industry has become extremely technical, science based, knowledge based and scientific and technical knowledge is gained only through education.
(d) the industrialists belong to the upper class of the society
Illusion in Indian philosophy has been explained by the example of
(a) The sky flower
(b) Silver in nacre
(c) Snake in rope
(d) All the above
On whose philosophy is based the current primary education in India ?
(a) Tagore
(b) Sri Aurobindo
(c) Gandhi
(d) Vivekananda
To contribute to India’s national integration education should
(a) Make children familiar with all the various aspects of national life.
(b) Be free and compulsory
(c) Reach each and every child of the country
(d) Be of high quality.
According to the theory known as Avacchedavada causation means:
(a) Reflection
(b) Annihilation
(c) Destruction
(d) None of above
Indian education can promote national consciousness by
(a) Establishing more and more and more all India institutions which will admit students form different parts of the country
(b) Breaking down regional and linguistic barriers
(c) Understanding and re-evaluating of India’s cultural heritage
(d) All of these.
Education is two fold process and
(a) Teacher and text books are its two elements
(b) Teacher and student are its two elements
(c) Aim and technique
(d) Education centres and environment are its two elements
Which one of the following statement is correct?
(a) Education is a science
(b) Education is an art
(c) It is neither an art nor science
(d) To some extent it is art and to some extent it is science
Which system of education was propounded by Mahatma Gandhi
(a) Teaching through music
(b) Teaching by activities
(c) Teaching through listening meditation etc.
(d) All of the above
Which one of the following education systems supports scientific progress?
(a) Realistic Education
(b) Naturalistic Education
(c) Idealistic Education
(d) None of the above
“Education is a process of man’s adjustment to nature to his fellows and the environment the definition suits
(a) A Naturalist
(b) An Idealist
(c) A Pragmatist
(d) A Realist
The view point of progressive educators regarding the issue of liberal vs. vocational education is that
(a) vocational ends load one to degrade learning
(b) liberal arts subject should proceed vocational training
(c) all subjects should have a vocational purpose
(d) vocational and liberal education should not be separated.
Education in ancient India also means
(a) The established customs of caste
(b) Moral rectitude
(c) Establishment of community
(d) All of the above
The aim to train the Sparatan youth as soldier to make them ready for
(a) Obey
(b) Labour and fight
(c) Both a & b
(d) Better leadership
Ancient education enjoined on the pupils the tenets of dharma which implied the ideas of
(a) Justice
(b) Duty
(c) Sacred law
(d) All of the above
The aim of Buddhist education was the
(a) Religious development
(b) Scientific development
(c) Cultural development
(d) All of the above
In ancient India when the caste system became rigid, a vocational aim was also added. Vocational training is
(a) Same for all castes
(b) Different for different castes
(c) For lower classes only
(d) Depends upon class of society
Buddhist education was primarily monastic in its
(a) Outlook
(b) Nature
(c) Both a & b
(d) Content
Real life problems in science and technology will be solved in the
(a) School lab
(b) College lab
(c) Both of the above
(d) Any of the above
The Kothari Commission’s report was published in
(a) 1966
(b) 1976
(c) 1986
(d) 1996
Many Committees and Commissions on education were appointed and these gave a close look to
(a) Social problem
(b) Education problem
(c) Religious problem
(d) All educational problem
National policy on education 1986 also emphasised on
(a) National understanding
(b) International understanding
(c) Social understanding
(d) All of the above
The language which is our window on the world is
(a) German
(b) English
(c) Hindi
(d) French
Curriculum means
(a) Towards a goal
(b) Towards a circle
(c) Towards a society
(d) All of the above
Education must further provide a climate for its
(a) Natural values
(b) Catalyst values
(c) Adventurous role
(d) Any kind of role
Development of self confidence must be to innovate and face
(a) Unfamiliar situation
(b) Perform social functions
(c) Having good job
(d) Solve social problem
Report of the National Policy on Education published in.
(a) 1984
(b) 1986
(c) 1988
(d) 1990
The student should study for national consciousness through
(a) Science
(b) Indian history
(c) The constitution of India
(d) Both a & C
The National Policy on Education focussed on
(a) Social well being
(b) Creativity of individual
(c) Competance of individual
(d) All of the above
Report of the national policy on education 1986 stated as
(a) Development of a sense of right and wrong
(b) Development of a spirit of individual
(c) Integration of the individual into the social system
(d) All of the above
While saying that education contributes to national cohesion furthering the goals of socialism, secularism and democracy enshrined in our Constitution, the National Policy on Education (1968) assumes that:
(a) Education can be used as an instrument of social change.
(b) Democracy is the best form of government.
(c) Socialism is the best way of organizing Indian society
(d) Secularism is the most cherished goal of democracy
Power is the “capability to control others so that they will do what they are wanted to do.” What among the following does not make people to obey ?
(a) For reasons selfish and social
(b) Man grows in the order of obligation and duty
(c) Disobedience would involve penalty
(d) For the pleasure of leader and authority
Education as the sub-system of the larger Indian society can contribute to strengthening of democracy through:
(a) Educated electorate
(b) Cultivation of essential values
(c) A dedicated and competent leadership
(d) All of these
The ultimate aim of education according to Gandhiji was to help the individuals to be
(a) Peaceful land happy in life
(b) Gainfully employed in life
(c) Able to acquire as much as possible from the ocean of knowledge
(d) Able to grow into a divine human being by realizing Godliness.
Who gives the system of education in India?
(a) Family
(b) Economy
(c) State
(d) Society
Education is a system in the sense that :
(a) It is a complex of elements in mutual interaction
(b) It receives pupils as inputs.
(c) It acts upon these pupils and turns them out as outputs in the finished form
(d) It has all the above characteristics
The Wardha or Basic scheme of Education set in
(a) 1964-66
(b) 1937-38
(c) 1986-90
(d) 1986-88
Our educational system has proved
(a) Ineffective
(b) Inadequate
(c) Very effective
(d) Both b & C
Rigidity and inflexibility in thinking becomes apparent under the
(a) Democratic system
(b) Totalitarian system
(c) Religious system
(d) Social system
In ancient India religious and moral aims dominated to the
(a) Kshatriya system
(b) Caste system
(c) Brahmin system
(d) Vaishya system
The search for aims and purposes in education is
(a) Persistement one
(b) Ancient one
(c) From last decades
(d) In 19th century was
Every man has in him something divine, something his own, a chance of perfection and strength is however small a sphere which God offers him to talk or refuse described by
(a) Plato
(b) Kant
(c) Aurobindo
(d) Tagore
Courage, perseverence, respect for freedom and life, truthfulness, honesty of purpose etc. will lead to the ______ of an individual
(a) Moral efficiency
(b) Religious efficiency
(c) Social efficiency
(d) Practical efficiency
Our education proved inadequate and ineffective because we have been
(a) Ignorant
(b) Unscientific
(c) Both a & b
(d) Uncertain to our aim
The aims in education are framed by centralized authorities in the government in
(a) Democratic system
(b) Totalitarian system
(c) Spiritual system
(d) All of the above
In Navodaya Vidyalayas Admission to class .were made under the scheme for children
(a) Class VII
(b) Class VI
(c) Class V
(d) Class VIII
Ramamurthi Report was published in the year
(a) 1990
(b) 1980
(c) 1970
(d) 1960
In interpreting the phrases ‘needs of the pupil’
(a) the experimentalist says the needs must involve intelligent consideration of probable outcomes
(b) all philosophic groups agree that education must be rooted in the pupil’s own felt needs
(c) the realist says that the needs of the pupil are his impulses or wishes of the moment.
(d) the pragmatist says that a need is that which adult feels is good for the pupil
Equality of educational opportunity also exists for those who are
(a) Deaf
(b) Blind
(c) Mentally Retarded
(d) All of the above
Education changes the
(a) Objective
(b) Attitudes
(c) Values among people
(d) All of the above
National policy on Education was declared in the year
(a) 1985
(b) 1986
(c) 1885
(d) 1990
An most important instrument of the development is
(a) Education
(b) Will power
(c) Religion
(d) None of these
Religion and philosophy meet in:
(a) Matter
(b) Mind
(c) Spirit
(d) None of the above
Provision being made for reservation of seats in favour of those belonging to
(a) Backward classes
(b) Scheduled castes
(c) Scheduled tribes
(d) Both b & c
Any society is desirous of
(a) Progress
(b) Reforms
(c) Needs various means of development
(d) All of the above
Gandhiji’s ashrams is situated at
(a) Sabarmati
(b) Sevagram
(c) Both of the above
(d) Porbandar
The outlook of many classes, people, lower classes changed due to
(a) Industrialization
(b) Education
(c) Religious practices
(d) All of the above
The provisions of better and expanded programmes for the education of minorities has been given priority by
(a) Ramamurti Report 1990
(b) National policy of Education 1986
(c) Both of the above commission
(d) None of the above
The rapid expansion of educational facilities and educational opportunities has benefited the
(a) Upper classes the most
(b) Poor classes the most
(c) Equal to all classes
(d) Middle classes
The large scale expansion of facilities for the education of the physically and mentally handicapped in both rural and urban areas the provision has been made in
(a) National policy on Education
(b) Ramamurthi Reports
(c) Both a & b
(d) None of the above
In terms of the nature of the learning experience
(a) the electric sees it as a discovery of something dependent upon the learner
(b) the pragmatist sees it as a recording of something on a blank mental table
(c) the supernaturalist sees it as a revamping of former experiences of the learner
(d) the realist sees it as a mirroring, by the mind of a pre-existing something
Scholarships for the talented and merit scholarships for bright students were established in the year
(a) 1970
(b) 1950
(c) 1960
(d) 1980
Any child, rich or poor has been able to compete for these scholarship which provides expenses for
(a) Travel
(b) Tution
(c) Lodging
(d) All of the above
Those who urge that religion should be taught in our public schools are assuming that
(a) Non-communicational instruction can be given in religion
(b) Moral values cannot be taught apart from religion
(c) The issue of separation of church and state is not involved
(d) Answers a and b only
To the experimentalist is pragmatist, that educational activity is most desirable which
(a) approximates the goals which educational scientists have set up
(b) As a beneficial effect upon the future experiences of the pupil
(c) Results from the industrination of the pupil in democratic theory
(d) The characterized by spontaneous, active continuously pleasurable and practical for the pupil.
The essentialists would get their aims of education from
(a) Our traditions
(b) The great books
(c) Public interests
(d) The church
The classical realists would stress as their aim in education
(a) realization of the self
(b) adjustment to nature
(c) development of the intellectual virtues
(d) preparation for obe’s vocational virtues
In determining the aims of education the
(a) Supernaturalism would accept uncritically the aims listed by the church
(b) Idealist would use the interest and needs of pupils in the present
(c) Pragmatist would accept only those aims which resulted from a study of society
(d) Realist would accept only those aims which emerge from a study of the situation
In the eyes of the idealist, the values of an educational experience depends upon
(a) Whether or not the pupil has been properly motivated
(b) Whether or not it preserves accepted institutions.
(c) The manner in which it affects future experience.
(d) The extent to which it satisfies pupil desires.
The educative experience is desirable to the
(a) pragmatist only if, on the whole it is acceptable to the pupil
(b) realist only if it is pleasurable and practical for the pupil
(c) realist only if it is affective in attaining immediate goals.
(d) reconstructionist only if it helps the pupils earn failure.
As to the question of what kind of education should be given
(a) The supernaturalist believes that moral education requires specific subject matter
(b) Hutchins would combine vocational training with general education
(c) The idealist sees both the method and training functions as necessary and related
(d) The realist sees different kinds of education secured incidentally through natural growth
The question of who shall be educated is inextricably tied to
(a) the philosophy of education
(b) the aims of education
(c) the kind of government
(d) all of the above
As to the question of what kind of education should be given
(a) Hutchins would postpone vocational training until general education is finished
(b) The supernaturalist believes that moral education requires no specific subject matter
(c) The idealist sees both the method and training functions as necessary and related
(d) The realist sees different kinds of education as secured incidentally through natural growth
The ability to think, is the most important attribute which education should aim at developing in the school. According to
(a) John Dewey
(b) Hegal
(c) Plato
(d) Kapila
Whether totalitarian or democratic government prevails, there is a great realization that exposure to vocational skills and knowledge are essential in the school to bring about
(a) Social efficiency
(b) Economic efficiency
(c) Group efficiency
(d) Individual efficiency
The Kothari Commission Report set in
(a) 1937-38
(b) 1990-91
(c) 1964-66
(d) 1986-88
“Man is a spiritual being and the world of ideas and values is more important than the world of matter” who said this?
(a) Gandhiji
(b) Kapila Muni
(c) Plato
(d) All of the above
The Ramamurti Report came in year
(a) 1986
(b) 1964
(c) 1990
(d) 1937
Under any systems of government, the education systems have reacted to similar pressure in the
(a) 20th century
(b) 18th century
(c) 19th century
(d) 21th century
Report of the National Policy on Education published in the year
(a) 1986
(b) 1988
(c) 1990
(d) 1964
To have an aim is to act, means
(a) Want to do something
(b) To be an automatic machine
(c) To perceive the meaning of things in that light
(d) Both b & c
The chief aim of education shall be to help the growing soul to draw out that in itself which is best and make it perfect for a noble use according to
(a) Moral aim
(b) Spiritual aim
(c) Religious aim
(d) Social aim
The pressure is felt strong where by the teacher ?
(a) Large number of children to educate
(b) Form global government
(c) Making religion strong
(d) Large number of adult to educate
The Wardha Scheme of education was on explosive plan in the year
(a) 1937
(b) 1930
(c) 1964
(d) 1986
Gandhiji believes in the absolute oneness of
(a) God
(b) World
(c) Country
(d) Culture
Gandhiji made a dramatic bid for templing entry rights for untouchable in the year
(a) 1920
(b) 1930
(c) 1940
(d) 1950
After Gandhiji assassination several Brahman homes were set on fire in
(a) West Bengal
(b) Gujarat
(c) Maharashtra
(d) Punjab
Gandhiji believes in the essential…….. of man and for that matter of all that life
(a) Certainty
(b) Unity
(c) Uncertainty
(d) All of the above
Zeal and temparament to perform the stupendous task of educating children in the frame-work of
(a) Tagore’s philosophy
(b) Gandhiji’s philosophy
(c) Dr. De Youngs philosophy
(d) None of the above
Educational systems in ancient Greek was based on
(a) Interesting study
(b) Religion
(c) Development of physical strength
(d) Cultural value
Gandhiji searched for truth as
(a) An egoist
(b) For power
(c) An humanist
(d) As communist
Traditionally untouchable were not allowed to
(a) Pass-through certain streets
(b) Enter temples
(c) Enter certain parks
(d) All of the above
At the bottom of the social ladder is a group of castes officially known as the
(a) Upper castes
(b) Forward castes
(c) Scheduled castes
(d) Backward castes
The lowest and the most depressed are the
(a) Schedule caste
(b) Forward
(c) Backward
(d) Untouchables
Gandhiji was a philosopher in the sense that he has certain
(a) Life views
(b) Systematic approach
(c) Belief
(d) All of the above
Abolishment of untouchability and forbade its practice in any form is referred in which article
(a) Article 15
(b) Article 17
(c) Article 18
(d) Article 16
Whose remarks is restricted to learning from direct experience and to learning from the teacher and excludes learning through self study and general reading. It is bound to be limited and rateny given by
(a) Dr. E.A. Pires
(b) Fichte
(c) Dewey
(d) Dr. H. Bhabha
Mahatma Gandhi was
(a) Experimenter all his life
(b) Leader all his life
(c) Philosopher all his life
(d) Can’t say
Gandhiji is more known in the domain of
(a) Politics
(b) In the field of education
(c) Social reform
(d) None of the above
In post-independent India the challenge…… prominence is clearly visible
(a) Vaishya
(b) Brahmin
(c) Kshatriya
(d) Shudra
‘Thales’ lived in Miletus in Asia minor in
(a) 700 B.C.
(b) 600 B.C.
(c) 500 B.C.
(d) 800 B.C.
Buddha stressed
(a) Individual effort
(b) Responsibility
(c) Both a & b
(d) None of the above
“Education as a force which makes an individual self reliant as well as selfless.” The statement related
(a) Rig Veda
(b) Sam Veda
(c) Vedanta
(d) Upnishad
A prophet of its spiritual regeneration’ was
(a) Dr. Deyoung’s
(b) M.K. Gandhi
(c) R.N. Tagore
(d) Ficnet
The National policy on education was declared in the year
(a) 1985
(b) 1986
(c) 1987
(d) 1984
Raja Ram Mohan Roy advocated social changes which is/are
(a) Widows Remarriage
(b) Abolition of suttee
(c) Superstition and illiteracy
(d) All of the above
Gandhiji’s opinion about the God is/are
(a) Light
(b) Truth
(c) Life
(d) All of the above
“My experiment with truth” is written by
(a) Kabir
(b) Mahatma Gandhi
(c) Jawahar Lal Nehru
(d) Ramanand
Raja Ram Mohan Roy who was a religious and social reformers in
(a) twentieth century
(b) Nineteenth century
(c) Eighteenth century
(d) Twenty first century
Who demonstrated the value of education in the vitalization of Indian society
(a) S. Dayanand
(b) Rabindranath Tagore
(c) S. Vivekanand
(d) Raja Ram Mohan Roy
The Republic which outlines a complete and remarkable plan of education is based on
(a) Idealism
(b) Existentialism
(c) Humanism
(d) Naturalism
Rabindranath Tagore’s ideas of education is that
(a) Education for all
(b) Education for fullness
(c) Education for liberation
(d) Education for Man-Making
The Indian constitution was implemented in
(a) 1950
(c) 1940
(b) 1960
(d) 1935
“The pioneer educational efforts of the Christian mission impressed” to
(a) Rabindranath Tagore
(b) Raja Ram Mohan Roy
(c) Both a & b
(d) None of these
An untouchability offence Act was passed in year
(a) 1944
(b) 1955
(c) 1966
(d) 1977
The Mission which has some finest schools hospitals, dispensaries and the movement spread rapidly is
(a) Brahmo Samaj
(b) Arya Samaj
(c) Rama Krishna Mission
(d) None of these
“If you want to find the value of any single fact or experience. You can never do so by dealing with the fact in isolation” who said it
(a) Hegal
(c) Fichte
(b) Kant
(d) None of the above
Who advocated social service in all forms to be the real expression of religion
(a) Swami Vivekanand
(b) Raja Ram Mohan Roy
(c) Swami Dayanand Sarswati
(d) Kabir
Idealism in education asserts that
(a) We would come to know the world as it really exists through education
(b) Each learning mind would have to build up its own idea of world
(c) There should be no emphasis on the inner feelings of the individual but on copying the world
(d) We cannot accept any knowledge as valid without antecedent sense impressions.
The system of child marriages and castes appalled
(a) Raja Ram Mohan Roy
(b) S. Vivekanand
(c) Swami Dayanand Sarswati
(d) Kabir
Mahatma Gandhi’s Basic Education Scheme was characterised by
(a) Strict discipline and punishment for wrongs
(b) Opposition to strict control and punishment
(c) Education of children through sense training
(d) Strict supervision and control of activities.
Rabindranath Tagore lived in
(a) Late twentieenth Century
(b) Early twentieenth Century
(c) Early Nineteenth Century
(d) Late Nineteenth Century
The Negative Education suggested by Rousseaue asserts that
(a) There should be no compulsion for children to attend school
(b) School education should enable children to desist during negative things
(c) Knowledge should not be based on books and symbols but on nature
(d) Too much work and rules in schools should be modified
In Gandhi’s opinion God is the ultimate
(a) Reality
(b) Objective
(c) Religion
(d) Not exist
“Education should aim at manmaking” this philosophy is given by
(a) S. Vivekanand
(b) Yajnavalaka
(c) Shankaracharya
(d) Kannad
“Social aim of education’ was stressed in
(a) Developed Countries
(b) North America
(c) Developing Countries
(d) All of the above
Maria Montessori in her approach to childhood, bases her method of education on
(a) Humanism
(b) Naturalism
(c) Idealism
(d) Existentialism
Philosophy is
(a) Love of human resources
(b) Love of Thought
(c) Love of wisdom
(d) Love of education
Campaign against superstition and illiteracy was launched by
(a) Raja Ram Mohan Roy
(b) Kabir
(c) Ramanand
(d) Guru Nanak
‘Mudaliar Commission’ on secondary education was set up in
(a) 1954-55
(b) 1952-53
(c) 1951-52
(d) 1955-56
‘Kothari Commission’ was set up in year
(a) 1984-86
(b) 1974-76
(c) 1964-66
(d) 1955-57
Nature as an aggregate of things outside our minds, moving in space described by
(a) Leucippins
(b) Thomas Hobbes
(c) Rousseau
(d) Democritus
Who said that it is for the good of the state that the individual should be allowed to develop along the line of his own greatest powers
(a) Plato
(b) Aristotle
(c) Socrates
(d) None of the above
Of the doctrine of immanence it can be said truthfully that it
(a) pictures the world as an unfriendly place
(b) implies that knowledge of the good is in the world about us
(c) supports Plato’s theory of reality
(d) distrusts the senses and unaided reason
In the opinion of M.K. Gandhi ‘non-violence’ is a
(a) Dynamic virtue
(b) Negative virtue
(c) Positive virtue
(d) Both a & c
Who says ‘Nothing good enters into the human world except in and through the free activities of individual men and women and educational practice must be shaped to accord with that truth’ ?
(a) Percy Nunn
(b) Socrates
(c) Plato
(d) Aristotle
“Individuality is of no value and personality is a meaningless term apart from the social environment in which they are developed and made manifest”. The statement is given by
(a) Ross
(b) Socrates
(c) Aristotle
(d) Plato
The Ideas of individual development of the child, there is self-realization in which society is the environment in which the child gets freedom to exercise his powers and develop his personality” who said this
(a) Froebel
(b) Montessori
(c) Both a & b
(d) None of the above
Truth is the
(a) Beginning
(b) End
(c) Both a & b
(d) Path
To have a true perspective of Gandhiji’s philosophy of education we should at first consider his
(a) Philosophy of life
(b) Philosophy of religion
(c) Philosophy of politics
(d) Philosophy of education
According to Gandhian philosophy “Truth which is the end and which is all prevading can be realised only through………”
(a) Power
(b) Conscience
(c) Truth
(d) Light
God is truth because truth can’t
(a) Be destroyed
(b) Exist
(c) Be accomplished
(d) Be achieved
Ahimsa is the
(a) Means
(b) Path
(c) Beginning
(d) End
The idealistic philosophy of education supports
(a) Moral ideas
(b) Physical is the ultimate aim
(c) Social ideas
(d) All of the above
Rabindranath Tagore’s school in Shantiniketan upholds in many respects of the chief principal of
(a) Idealism
(b) Humanism
(c) Pragmatism
(d) Naturalism
Every man has in him something divine, something his own, a chance of perfection and strength is however small a sphere which God offers him to take or refuse. The statement is given by
(a) Aurobindo
(b) Plato
(c) Herbert
(d) Ross
Fichte was a
(a) German philosopher
(b) Greek philosopher
(c) English philosopher
(d) American philosopher
The social efficiency of an individual lead by
(a) honesty of purpose
(b) Truthfulness
(c) Courage
(d) All of the above
The first challenge to caste system was done by
(a) M.K. Gandhi
(b) Mahavir
(c) Buddha
(d) B.G. Tilak
The problem of value the branch deals with these area is called
(a) Axiology
(b) Cytology
(c) Epistemology
(d) None of the above
Comte said that “Sociology is a fundamental science” because
(a) It has a method of exact investigation
(b) It has a method of exact application
(c) It has a method of exact derivation
(d) None of the above
Sociology Collect data about
(a) Children
(b) Mankind
(c) Animal
(d) Celestial bodies
Comte used the word Sociology in the year
(a) 1837
(b) 1857
(c) 1897
(d) 1907
Sociology is a study of
(a) Animal nature & Society
(b) Human nature & Society
(c) Environment and Society
(d) Race and Society
Sociology was the last in the series which consisted of
(a) Biology
(b) Chemistry
(c) Mathematics
(d) Physics
Who declared ‘the whole aim of education could be summed up in the concept of morality”
(a) Plato
(b) M. Gandhi
(c) Herbert Spencer
(d) Bertrand Russell
“My experiment with truth” According to this book
(a) Caste and classes have significance in Hinduism
(b) Have little significance of Hinduism
(c) Both
(d) Something different
“The school is the function of constantly reorganising and reconstructing human experience” said by
(a) M.K. Gandhi
(b) R.N. Tagore
(c) John Dewey
(d) Patanjali
Today who has extensive educational organization of schools and colleges
(a) Arya Samaj
(b) Rama Krishna Mission
(c) Brahmo Samaj
(d) None of the above
Gandhiji says “Ahimsa and truth are so intermined that it is practically impossible
(a) Separate them
(b) To disintegrate them
(c) Corelate them
(d) All of the above
The term Sociology was used first time by
(a) R.N. Tagore
(b) Auguste Comte
(c) Charles Darwin
(d) Patnajali
Aristotle’s theory of knowledge
(a) the intellect has a sixth sense which automatically integrates analytical judgements
(b) knowledge of form and the knowledge of the good are different things
(c) the good is the same for all who use right thinking
(d) truth is non-existent until man creates it through re-organising his experience
Comte placed Sociology in the hierarchy of the
(a) Playways
(b) Society
(c) Arts
(d) Science
The aim of formation of Brahmo Samaj was removing the stigmas in of
(a) Hinduism
(b) Western ideas
(c) Both of the above
(d) None of these
Arya Samaj was founded in the year
(a) 1778
(b) 1878
(c) 1875
(d) 1978
Swami Vivekanand was disciple of
(a) Ramanand
(b) Rama Krishna Parmahansa
(c) Ramanuj
(d) Guru Nanak
Swami Vivekanand lived
(a) Twentieth Century
(b) Nineteenth Century
(c) Eighteenth Century
(d) None of the above
The word Sociology was given by a
(a) French Philosopher
(b) English Philosopher
(c) German Philosopher
(d) Indian Philosopher
The famous Wardha Scheme of Mahatma Gandhi was first introduced in our country in the year
(a) 1937
(b) 1940
(c) 1928
(d) 1939
According to Gandhian philosophy arbitrator of our fate is the
(a) Beliefs
(b) Living law
(c) Lawlessness
(d) Religion
Swami Dayanand Sarswati saw the practical value of
(a) Modern scientific ideas
(b) Western practices
(c) Both of the above
(d) None of the above
Who urged first the granting of equality of status to women and the importance of women’s education
(a) Sonia Gandhi
(b) Annie Besant
(c) Indira Gandhi
(d) Medha Patekar
Rabindranath Tagore was awarded the Noble Prize for the contribution to
(a) The cause of humanity through sevasadans
(b) Education in starting the Shantiniketan
(c) Literature for the English version of his Gitanjali
(d) The message of ancient Indian about education
If we succeed in building the character of the individual, society will take care of itself. This idea was given by
(a) Aristotle
(b) Plato
(c) Mahatma Gandhi
(d) Ross
Auguste believed that sociology dealt with
(a) Complex and intricate Geographical phenomena
(b) Complex and intricate biological phenomena
(c) Complex and intricate social phenomena
(d) None the above
Sociology term is a modern adition to the
(a) Social Sciences
(b) National Sciences
(c) Biological Sciences
(d) Geographical Sciences
Formation of Brahma Samaj took place in the year
(a) 1829
(b) 1929
(c) 1859
(d) 1858
Education means “the development of character and usefulness in an individual” regarded by
(a) Shankaracharya
(b) Kannad
(c) S. Vivekanand
(d) Yajnavalaka
Aristotle’s theory of knowledge included the belief that :
(a) man is born with true knowledge in him
(b) the syllogistic major premise is obtained through education
(c) true knowledge consists of universals
(d) universals are established deductively
The influence of Aristotle can be seen as the
(a) educational programmes with vocational subjects
(b) theory that the good is many rather than one
(c) belief that the universe is constantly changing
(d) philosophy of catholic education
What does Gandhiji mean by “drawing out the best? Here best is
(a) Inner voice
(b) Truth
(c) Both a & b
(d) Religion
Which of the following reflects to the greatest extent the beliefs of plato
(a) the liberal arts college
(b) the differentiate – curriculum
(c) the cosmopolitan high school
(d) the science laboratory
The 1952-53 Secondary Education Commission in India recommended the following pattern of education
(a) 10+2+3 scheme
(b) 12+3 scheme
(c) 10+ 3+2 scheme
(d) 11+ 2+ 3 scheme
The roots of Hutehins philosophy of education can be foundation
(a) Allen’s emphasis upon vocational studies
(b) Rousseau’s insistence that nature must lead the way
(c) Aristotle’s belief in intellectualism for its own sake
(d) Aquine’s acceptance of the two-fold truth
Aristotle’s theories denied that
(a) nature endowed man with sense, perception and memory
(b) the universe is orderly, reasonable and purposeful
(c) the intellect can infer universal truths from particular subjects
(d) the intellect intuite reliable judgements about cosmic design
The dignity of labour was demonstrated in
(a) Shantiniketan
(b) Rama Krishna Mission
(c) Both of the above
(d) None of these
The Gita urges the
(a) Exercise of action
(b) Exercise of faith
(c) Exercise of intelligence
(d) All of the above
Who was one of the greatest reformer, and spoke strongly about the social equality and in justice of the caste system
(a) S. Dayanand
(b) Indira Gandhi
(c) Annie Besant
(d) None of the above
The school Shantiniketan was established by
(a) S. Dayanand
(b) Rabindranath Tagore
(c) S. Vivekanand
(d) Raja Ram Mohan Roy
All are one and perform the task according to their aptitude, gardening, farming, carpentry etc. done in the
(a) Ramakrishna Mission
(b) Pondicherry ashram
(c) Both a & b
(d) None of these
There was no thought of caste or creed in
(a) Ramakrishna Mission
(b) Shantiniketan
(c) Both of the above
(d) None of these
Education at all levels is provided at
(a) Ramakrishna Mission
(b) Shantiniketan
(c) Both of the above
(d) None of these
Ashram at Pondicherry was established by
(a) Rabindranath Tagore
(b) Swami Dayanand
(c) Swami Vivekanand
(d) None of the above
Aurobindo Ghosh was
(a) Educator & Philosopher
(b) The seer of Pondicherry
(c) Both of the above
(d) Can not say anything
The seer of Pondicherry is
(a) Ramakrishna Mission
(b) Aurobindo Ghosh
(c) Ramanuja
(d) Swami Dayanand
The Brahmo Samaj established many
(a) Schools
(b) Colleges
(c) Both a & b
(d) None of the above
“Natural surroundings and freedom were important factors in the development of the child” said by
(a) R.N. Tagore
(b) H. Spencer
(c) Charles Darwin
(d) Thomas Hobbes
The 1964-66 Indian Educational Commission has recommended that
(a) The system of ‘Streaming’ in schools of general education at Class IX stage should be given up
(b) Specialisation of courses should commence at the Class X stage.
(c) The effort that class IX is the proper stage to start specialisation
(d) None of the above
The branch of philosophy which deals spiritual problem is called
(a) Metascience
(b) Metabiology
(c) Metaphysics
(d) Maya
Plato’s philosophy of education gave
(a) Greater importance to the state than to the individual
(b) Greater importance to spiritual than moral values
(c) Greater importance to the individual than to the state
(d) Greater importance to knowledge than virtue
Which educationist, in your opinion, “has rung the bell of class teaching”
(a) Proebel
(b) Montessori
(c) Poussean
(d) Deway
That individuality and self-realization can come only through a
(a) Social environment
(b) Militant environment
(c) Natural environment
(d) Cultural environment
The number of educational objectives laid down by Herbert Spencer was
(a) Seven
(b) Six
(c) Five
(d) Four
The Universe was classified by elements of which all Indian schools of philosophy recognized is
(a) Three
(b) Four
(c) Five
(d) Six
The Darwinian concept of man is based on
(a) Biological naturalism
(b) Mechanical naturalism
(c) Physical naturalism
(d) All of the above
Who describes the education of a child close to nature?
(a) J.J. Rousseau
(b) Thomas Hobbes
(c) Charles Darwin
(d) H. Spencer
“Education exists exclusively to develop man’s intellect in a world of reality which men can know and understand” the statement was given by
(a) John werry
(b) Aristotle
(c) Kannad
(d) None of the above
Who taught that “a person’s worth is determined by right conduct and right knowledge”
(a) Mahavir
(b) Gautam Buddha
(c) S. Vivekanand
(d) Lord Krishna
The childhood name of Vivekanand was
(a) Vivekanand
(b) Narendranath
(c) Surendra
(d) Dharmendra
Experts have observed that deliquency during later childhood
(a) Could be easily controlled in this period than in adolescence
(b) Is less than in adolescence
(c) Does not make its appearance at all
(d) Is more as a beginning stage than in adolescence
Education to be synonymous with ‘self realisation’ regarded by
(a) S. Vivekanand
(b) Yajnavalak
(c) Shankaracharya
(d) Kannad
Herbert Spencer in the early nineteenth century, used the word ‘force’ to describe
(a) Individuality
(b) Reality
(c) Serpendipty
(d) Quality
Rousseau glorified
(a) Philosophy
(b) Nature
(c) Animals
(d) Education
“The chief aim of education is the formation of character” who said
(a) Mahatma Gandhi
(b) Bertrand Russell
(c) Plato
(d) Herbert Spencer
Herbert Spencer was
(a) Mechanical naturalists
(b) Physical naturalists
(c) Biological naturalists
(d) None of the above
“Nature is an aggregate of things moving from one place to another in that space which is beyond us described by
(a) Thomas Hobbes
(b) Thales
(c) Democritus
(d) Leucippias
According to Gandhian philosophy way of living characterised by
(a) Non-violence
(b) Poverty
(c) Strict discipline
(d) All of the above
Education, liberal ideas and professional training in various vocation were provided in the christian schools, colleges and hospitals which were opened all over the country in the
(a) Twentieth Century
(b) Nineteenth Century
(c) Early Twentieth Century
(d) None of these
The conversion of Hindu to the Christian faith is due to
(a) Liberality
(b) Faith in missionaries
(c) Discipline of Christians
(d) None of these
“Swami Vivekanand” was born on
(a) 15 January
(b) 15 March
(c) 12 January
(d) 12 February
Gandhiji undertook a fast unto death on an issue involving the treatment of untouchable as an integral part of Hindu and Indian society in
(a) 1930
(b) 1932
(b) 1940
(d) 1942
“To have an aim is to act’ the statement is given by (for education)
(a) Plato
(b) John Dewey
(c) Socrates
(d) Aristotle
“Education should enable one to attain the highest good or God, through pursuit of inherent spiritual values of truth, beauty and goodness, held by
(a) Plato
(b) M.K. Gandhi
(c) John Dewey
(d) Aristotle
The Ramamurti Report was given in the year
(a) 1985
(b) 1990
(c) 1988
(d) 1995
The Sri Prakasha Committee on Religious and Moral Instruction recommended that
(a) Religious and Moral Education should not be imparted in Educational Institutions
(b) Moral education should be permitted but religious instruction should not be allowed.
(c) Moral and religious education could be imparted only at primary or elementary stages
(d) Religious and Moral education should be imparted in all educational institutions.
What I like about teaching is that it is the (a) Resort of even the least competent persons
(b) Most peaceful job
(c) Most challenging job
(d) Most lucrative job because of the scope for private tution
The Buddha was the first to challenge the caste system in the
(a) 5th Century B.C.
(b) 6th Century B.C.
(c) 7th Century B.C.
(d) 4th Century B.C.
Which of the following acceptable definition of a backward adult-literacy rate as per the latest available census report ?
(a) Kerala
(b) Andhra Pradesh
(c) Tamilnadu
(d) Maharashtra
Which of the following is most important for teacher
(a) Subject he is teaching
(b) Classroom discipline
(c) Students of the class
(d) Time available for teaching
The statement by the then Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi that a new education would made so as to “Prepare Indians for the 21st Century in the year
(a) 1990
(b) 1985
(c) 1987
(d) 1991
Who had observed that the art of education would never attain clearness in itself without philosophy. He was
(a) M.K. Gandhi
(b) Fichte
(c) John Dewey
(d) Gautam Buddha
The opinion that “our aim should be to produce men who possess both culture and expect knowledge” given by
(a) Prof. A.H. Whitehead
(b) Montessori
(c) Froebel
(d) All of the above
How do we get knowledge and how can we be sure it is true and not error? This area of philosophy is called
(a) Neurology
(b) Epistemology
(c) Beyond Philosophy
(d) None of the above
All levels of education are provided from the nursery to the University stage in
(a) Ashram at Pondicherry
(b) Brahmo Samaj
(c) Shantiniketan
(d) Arya Samaj
In today’s society school
(a) Ornamental base
(v) Vocational base
(c) Both a & b
(d) None of the above
Which of the following attributes would correctly define learning
(a) Understanding, imagination and workmanship
(b) Change of behaviour, practice and experience
(c) Belief, creativity, and endurance
(d) Intution, intelligence and memorisation
The 1968 national policy teacher education adopted by the Indian Government laid stress on the following aspects of teachers education
(a) Adequate emoluments and academic freedom for teachers.
(b) Travel allowance and family pensions for teachers
(c) In-service training and correspondence education for teachers.
(d) Promotion and retirement facilities for teachers.
If we believe in the dualistic theory of the mind versus body nature of man, have to arrive at the econsequence that
(a) Education is mechanisation in process and theoretical in development
(b) Learning is purely a matter of material changes in the behaviour of man
(c) Learning an education should cater to observable behaviour of man
(d) Education is purely a matter of mental training and development of the self.
Swami Vivekanand was famous for speaking on
(a) Vedas
(b) Medicians
(c) Gita
(d) Vedanta
Article 45 under the Directive Principles of State policy in the Indian Constitution, provides for
(a) Rights of minorities to establish educational institutions
(b) Free and compulsory primary education
(c) Education for weaker sections of the country
(d) Giving financial assistance to less advanced states
Vivekanand was a
(a) Religious guru
(b) Poet
(c) Philosopher
(d) All of the above
The National Educational Policy of 1979, recommended also about the public schools
(a) their uniquencies and traditions have to preserved the interests of the best talents of the country
(b) they should be brought under laws and regulations of the government public education system
(c) they must be allowed the autonomy that was bestowed on them by the past system of education
(d) suitable ratio has to be maintained for admission of middle class and poor student also.
Rama Krishna Mission was founded by
(a) Swami Dayanand
(b) Swami Vivekanand
(c) Raja Ram Mohan Roy
(d) Guru Nanak Dev
Annie Besant inspired the opening of schools in many cities in
(a) End of nineteenth century
(b) Early nineteenth century
(c) Early twentieenth century
(d) End twentieenth century
In ancient India religions and moral aims were dominated by
(a) Brahmnic system of education
(b) Kshatriya system of education
(c) Both a & b
(d) None of the above
The concept of totalitarian education in the West was in favour of
(a) Treating education as a binding factor of international understanding
(b) The education of the individual for development of his total personality
(c) Making the education of the individual as an instrument for realising the ends of the state
(d) Making the state responsible to evolve education as a means of satisfying individual’s needs and interests.
Regarding co-education at the secondary stage, the 1952-53 Education Commission has suggested that
(a) To start, resources, in several states could not afford
(b) There should be objection to extend co educational school
(c) To maintain separate schools for boys and girls
(d) The situation in our country warrants establishment of more boys schools than co-educational school.
Who formed Brahmo Samaj
(a) Guru Nanak
(b) Kabir
(c) Ramanand
(d) Raja Ram Mohan Roy
Tagore was a
(a) Philosopher
(b) Poet
(c) Musician
(d) Both a & b
The topic method in education should be interpreted
(a) a method of development of the syllabus in a subject
(b) a concentric approach to teaching the classroom
(c) a substitute for the project method of teaching
(d) a method suited better for art subjects as compared to science subjects.
Arya Samaj was founded by
(a) Raja Ram Mohan Roy
(b) Swami Dayanand Sarswati
(c) Swami Satyanand
(d) Kabir
Ahimsa & Truth in Gandhiji’s opinion is
(a) Two sides of a coin
(b) Have no relation between the two
(c) Can’t translate
(d) Can’t inter-wined
“The affection brought about a lossening up of the rigidity of Hindu Society and has been an admirable modern influence on Hindu thought” said by
(a) Swami Dayanand
(b) Swami Vivekanand
(c) Kabir
(d) Rabindranath Tagore
Intellectual aim in education was emphasised in
(a) India
(b) Greek
(c) Sparta
(d) Athenian
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