
There is sweet music here that softer falls

Than petals from blown roses on the grass,

Or night-dews on still waters between walls

Of shadowy granite, in a gleaming pass;

Answer. These lines have been gleaned from Alfred Tennyson’s poem “The Lotos Eaters”. Here the poet describes the beautiful and enchanting quality of the lotos-island.

Immediately after landing on the remote island, Ulysses and his comrades were greeted by the melancholy lotos-eaters. These fantastic creatures offered them lotus fruits to eat. The mariners tasted them and, as a result, their mental condition changed. They began to appreciate the island in an elevated state. They were charmed by the music of the island. The music is softer than the soft petals of roses or the night dews that fall on the still water. It had a gentler effect on the sailors and provoked their sleep. They felt soothed and happy. They began to praise the cool mosses, flowers, and sleep-inducing poppy. These lines express the enchanting effect of the island on the mind of the mariners. These lines show Tennyson’s power of portraying beautiful images in words.