Explanation: The particular skill of this lady has ever been to inflame your wishes, and yet command respect.

Answer: These lines occur in Richard Steele’s “His Account of His Disappointment in Love”, an integral part of The Coverley Papers. – a collection of essays and her beauty added with intellect even surpassed the “heavenly image” of Alexander pope’s Belinda.

He says that this lady whom he calls the “perverse widow” now “has certainly the finest hand of any woman in the world.” But her external charms did not really well-match with the beauty of her mind. That’s why she could negate and dishonor the advances of the “most humane”, benevolent, and well-established gentleman knight like Sir Roger. This lady, according to Sir Roger, has a wonderful skill of arousing her on-lookers and at the same time, she could arouse a sense of respect in the mind of anybody who looked at her. The idea is that her physical charms or external appearance draws the onlookers nearer to her but the qualities of her head and heart make them awe-struck and drive them away from her.

The character of this widow has a rare amalgamation of “knowledge, wit, and good sense” and exquisite beauty. Her intellectual level is sometimes greater than the men of merit. Simultaneously, she is beautiful beyond the race of women. If, at any time, she fails to attract any boy with her artful eyes and the “skill of beauty”, she can arm herself with her real charm, the charm of her merit.