Syllabus  For Bachelor of
Laws with Honors (LL.B. Honors)

The present syllabus for the
(Hons.) Degree of Law is Prepared as per the BA (Hons) and BSS (Hons.)
{04  ( চার)  eQ‡ii 
weG/weGmGm  mœvZK  (
approved  by  the 
43rd  Academic  Council 
of Bangladesh Open University (BOU) held on 14/8/2011 which was
circulated as an Official Order by the Registrar of BOU under the Reference no.


Bachelor of Laws with Honors (LL.B. Honors)


Number of Courses
and Credits of the Program:

number of courses and credits of the Bachelor of Laws (Honors) shall be as



























Types of Questions and Marks Distribution for each Course (Except Term Paper & Viva Voce)


Essay Questions (Four out of Eight Questions)         4´20 = 80 Marks

Short Questions (Four out of Eight Questions)          4´5 = 20 Marks


100 Marks

Term Paper : As per the Recommendation
made by each Examination Committee.

Viva-Voce : As per the Recommendation
made by each Examination Committee.



First Year First Semester



Legal System of Bangladesh


Credits- 03

Introduction to Law and Legal System, Categories of Law: Public, Private,
Substantive and Procedural, Branches of Law: Civil, Criminal, Commercial,
Constitutional etc, Legal History: Administration of Justice during the Ancient
Hindu, Mughal, British India and Pakistan Periods. Separation of Judiciary,
Supreme Court of Bangladesh, Subordinate Courts, Tribunals and Special Courts,
Stages of Civil and Criminal Proceedings, Appeal, Review, Reference and
Revision, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Writ, Legislation Procedure, Legal
Aid: Meaning of Legal Aid, Legal Aid Organizations in Bangladesh, Effectiveness
of the Legal Aid Scheme, Legal Profession, Bar Council: Power and Functions of
the Bar Council, Enrolment to the Bar Association, Tribunal and Disciplinary Proceedings.


Md. Abdul Halim, The Legal System of Bangladesh, Dhaka: CCB, 2014.

Dr. Mofizul Islam Patwari, Legal System of Bangladesh, Dhaka: HEAB, 2004.



Law of Contract


Credits- 03

Definition of Contract, Kinds Contract, Formation of contract:
Communication, Offer, Acceptance, Revocation, Consideration, voidable Contract,
Capacity of the Parties, Free Consent: Coercion, undue Influence, Fraud,
Misrepresentation, Mistake of Facts and Law, Void Agreements, Contingent
Contracts. Performance of Contracts: Contracts which must be Performed, Time
and Place of Performance, Performance of Reciprocal Promises, Apportionment of
Payments. Contract Which Need not be Performed, Certain Relations Resembling
those Created by contract, Consequences of breach of Contract, Contract
indemnity and Guarantee, Bailment: Kinds of Bailment, Rights and duties of
Bailor and Bailee, Termination of Bailment. Suits by Bailors or Bailees against
the Wrong-doer Pledge Agency: Different Classes of Agents Creation of Agency,
Agent’s Authority; Rights and Duties of the Principal and Agent Personal
Responsibility of Agents.


Mohammad Ekramul Haque, Law of Contract, Dhaka: Law Lyceum, 2004.

Shawkat Mahmood, The Contract Act, Lahore: 1981.





Credits- 03

Introduction Conception and Elements of State, Meaning
of Constitution, The Concept of Constitutionalism, Contents
and Classifications of Constitutions, Nature and Scope
of Constitutional Law, Constitutional Law of Bangladesh Framing of the Constitution of Bangladesh,
Interpretation Constitution, Preamble
Supremacy of the Constitution, Fundamental Principles of State
Policy, Fundamental Rights
and their Enforcement, The Executive: Powers
and Functions of the President, Prime Minister and Cabinet, Ministerial Responsibility, Care-
taker Government, Local
Government, The Legislature : Parliament, Its Composition, Functions, Privileges, Immunities, Legislative arid financial Procedures, Ordinance Making Power, Judiciary,
Administrative Tribunal, Separation of power and Independence of judiciary,
Constitutional Remedies, Judicial
Review, Writ, Amendments of the Constitution, Miscellaneous.


Md. Abdul Halim, Constitutional Law of Bangladesh, Dhaka: CCB, 2001.

Mahmudul Islam, Constitution law of Bangladesh, Dhaka: Mullick
Brothers, 2002.





Credits- 03

On the Concept of Law and its relations: Definitions of Law, Schools of
legal thought, Natural law, Positive law, Kelsen’s pure theory of law,
Sociological school of law, Historical school of Law and Legal realism; Concept
of legal system. Classifications of law and rights: Municipal Law,
International Law, Customary Law, Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, Duty,
definition and kind of legal right, enforcement and extinction of legal right,
kinds and scopes of civil rights, The Ideas of Justice: Civil and Criminal
Justice, Justice Administration systems, Theories of Punishment, kinds of
punishment, Death penalty, Legal Concepts: State sovereignty, Legislation and
codification, Legislation and custom, rules of interpretation of statutes, Kinds
of property and lien, leases, Mortgage; kinds of ownership, Trust, bailment and
agency; Kinds of possession.


P J Fitzgerald, Salmond on Jurisprudence, India: Universal Law
Publishing Co. 2003.

R.W.M. Dias, Jurisprudence, New Delhi: Aditya Books Pvt, 1994.


BAN-101 (L)

evsjv fvlv I mvwnZ¨


Credits- 03

mvwnZ¨i kÖwYwefvM, mvwnZ¨i iƒcim, KweZv, Aj¼vi, Q`, QvUMí, Dcb¨vm, bvUK, cÖeÜ, fvlvi  Drm, wjLbixwZi weKvk, aŸwb, kã I kã wbg©vcÖwµqv : iƒcZË,¡ evK¨ : e¨vKiY, evK¨ZË,¡ evM_©weÁvb, fvlv cwieZ©b, fvlv ˆew Ψ : fvlv, mgvR I ms¯wZ|

Books Recommended

1.       1.Aveyj Kvjvg gbRyi gvik`, AvaywbK fvlvZË¡, gvIjv eªv`vm,© XvKv, 2002

2.   iwdKzj Bmjvg, fvlvZË,¡  eyK wfD, XvKv, 1992|

ivgk^i kÕ, mvaviY fvlvweÁvb I evsjv fvlv, cy¯ÍK wecwY, KjKvZv, 1998|

BOU Resource Materials.


Year Second Semester



Law of
Equity and Trust


Credits- 03

The Origin and Development of Equity, Equitable Rights
and Interests, Equity and Its Relation to Law. Difference between Legal and Equitable
Estate, Twelve Maxim, Application of Equity in Bangladesh, Classification of
Equitable Right, Equitable Remedies: Specific Performance, Injunction,
Appointment of Receiver. Trust Origin Development of Trust, Creation of Trust. Classification of Trust
Express Implied Trust by Implication of Law public Trust and Private Trust,
Rights, Power and Obligations of Trustee, Removal and Retirement of Trustee,
Rights and Liabilities of Beneficiary, Breach of Trust and Remedies for the
Breach of Trust, Determination of Trusts and Trusteeship, Resulting and
Constructive Trusts.

Books Recommended

B.M Gandhi, Equity, Trusts of Specific Relief, Lucknow: Eastern Book, 2001.

G.W. Keeton and L.A. Sheridan, The Law of Trusts, London: Barry Rose
Law Publishers, 1993.



Muslim Law


Credits- 03

Introduction and application of Muslim law under British rule in India and
subsequent legislative changes, Muslim law relating Rule of Inheritance, Muslim
Law relating to marriage (Definition, Essentials of a valid marriage,
Registration of marriage, Dissolution of marriage), Laws relating to Dower
(Definition, Classification, Sharia laws, legislative enactments and case-laws
relating to dower), Maintenance, Custody and Guardianship (Definition, Sharia
laws, legislative enactments and case laws relating to maintenance, custody and
guardianship), Gift and Will (Definitions, Essentials, Classifications,
Governing principles relating to Gift and Will), Wakf, Pre-emption (Definition,
Essentials, Principles governing, Statutory laws relating to Wakf and
Pre-emption), The Family Courts Ordinance, 1985 (Jurisdiction, composition and functions of family Court, Institution of Suit, Camera
trial, Appeal provisions)

Books Recommended

Syed Ameer Ali, Mohommedon Law, Vol. I & I, New Delhi: 1985.

Asaf A.A. Fyzee, Outline of Muhammadan Law, New Delhi: 1974.



Hindu Law


Credits- 03

Nature of
Hindu Law; Subjects of Hindu Law; Source of Hindu Law and its application;
Historical Development of Hindu Law, Schools of Hindu Law: Dayabhaga and
Mitakshara, Marriage: Classification of marriages, consequences, rituals of
marriage, Maintenance; Adoption; Guardianship; Will; Gift, Hindu joint family;
Coparceners and Coparcenary Property; Powers, Rights, Role and Obligations of
Karta of the Joint Family, Law of Inheritance: General Principles of
Inheritance; Order of Inheritance according 
to Mitakshara Law; Order of Inheritance according
to the Dayabhaga Law; Point of Differences between Mitakshara and Dayabhaga Succession; Exclusion from
Inheritance, Stridhana and Women’s estate, Religious and Charitable Endowments:
Powers, functions, liabilities and position of Shebait and Mohanto, Application
of Hindu Law in Bangladesh and India: A Comparative Study

Books Recommended

Werner F. Menski, Hindu Law,
India: Oxford University Press, 2004.

B.M. Gandhi, Hindu Law,
Delhi: Eastern Book Co. 1999.


Law of Torts
and Consumer Protection


Credits- 03

Law of Torts

Definition and Nature of Tort, Conditions: Liability, Absolute Liability, Mens rea, Exemptions, Immunities, Joint
Wrongdoers, Vicarious Liability, Devolutions of Right and Liability,
Negligence, Trespass, Dispossession, Nuisance, Injuries to Servitudes,
Conversion and other Injuries to Chattels, Injuries to Persons, Injuries to
Domestic Relations, Defamation, Intimidation, Deceit and Injurious Falsehood,
Liability for Dangerous Property, Wrongful Process of Law, Wrongful Confinement
and Malicious Prosecution, Remedies in Tort: Specific Restitution, Injunction,

Consumer Protection Law

Meaning and Concept of Consumer, Consumerism and Consumer Protection,
Development of the Concept of Consumer Protection, Consumer Sovereignty, Effect
of Laissez Faire, Rights of
Consumers, Areas of Consumer Protection Laws, Consumer Protection Laws of Bangladesh.


Durga Das Basu, The Law of Torts, Calcutta : Kamal Law House, 2000

Dr. Mizanur Rahman, Consumer Protection: A Swedish Approach



English for


Credits- 03

Origin and meaning of maxims, Usage of maxims in sentences to bring out
the clarity of meaning; Legal terms and phrases: Purposes, Legal terms and
phrases, Legal language; Characteristic feature of legal English, basic
grammatical patterns and vocabulary items; Background of law and language,
Importance of language for law, Importance of command on language; Developing
writing skills – knowledge of concords and determiners (a, an, the) Correct
usage of nouns, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs and prepositions, Précis writing,
letter writing, report writing; Types of communication- Intrapersonal, dyadic,
small group, public, mass, Communication competence- pronunciation, intonation,
accent, rhythm, articulation, modulation & pitch, body language, tone,
choice of words, Characteristics of competent communicators, Legal essays &
applications writing, Making summary of cases, Extensive reading practice of
legal stories and biographies.


Outline for Legal Language – by Dr. Anirudh Prasad, Central Law
Publications; Seventh Edition (2014).

Legal Language and General English – by Dr. S.C. [Legal Language, Legal
Writing and General English (Sixth Edition,






Credits- 03

of Crime: Definition of crime; Social
and legal perspective; Characteristics of crime; crime as a social problem; Difference between sin and crime,
crime and immorality. Criminology: nature, scope,
Objectives; its evolution
and Relationship with other social
sciences, Etiology of crime; Different school of criminology; Theories of Crime, biological,
sociological, psychological, Economical and Geographical aspects of Crimes. White collar crime: Definition and Characteristics;
White collar crimes in Bangladesh; Remedial measures of White Collar Crime. Juvenile
delinquency: Causation and
factors of Juvenile
delinquency, Juvenile courts
in Bangladesh. Reformation: Concept of Parole,
Probation and Open Prison, Distinction between a parole and Probation, Roles and Duties
of a parole and a Probation Officer.
Police and Prison
Administration: Definition and characteristics of criminal law,
Law enforcement agencies and police, Prison
system in Bangladesh. Penology: Theories and forms
of punishment, Arguments in Favor and against Death

Books Recommended

George B. Void, Theoretical Criminology, New York: Oxford University
Press, 1998.

Edwin El. Sutherland, Principles of Criminology, India: Bombay, 1968.



Penal Laws


Credits- 03

Introductory Discussion: Public Wrong,
Definition of Crime,
Offence, Nature of Crime, Distinction between Tort and Crime, Distinction between Crime and Breach
of Contract, Limit of fines and Imprisonment: Imprisonment in Default
of Payment of fines, Calculation of the terms of
General Explanations: General
Exceptions, Meaning of Good faith,
Rights of private
defense; joint liability. Offences in particular: Abetment; Criminal
Conspiracy; Offences against the State. Offences related to the Army; Navy and
Air force, Offences against the public tranquility, Offences by or relating
to public servant, Offences relating to Election, Contempt
of the lawful authority of public service, False evidence and Offences against
public justice, Murder
and Culpable Homicide, Cheating, Criminal trespass, Criminal breach of contracts of service
Offences relating to marriage, Defamation, Criminal intimidation; insult
and annoyance; attempts
to commit offences.

Books Recommended

D.L.R. Penal Code, Dhaka: Dhaka Law Reports, 2003.

L. Kabir, Lecture
on the Penal Code with Leading Cases,
Dhaka: Law House,



Land Laws of Bangladesh


Credits- 03

of Land Law: Permanent Settlement, Position of Zamindars before and after
Permanent Settlement, Rights reserved by government,
Effects of Permanent Settlement on the state,
Zamindars, Talukdars and cultivators, Defects
of Permanent Settlement, Decennial Settlement Regulation v111 of 1793, Independent and Dependent
Taluk, Dependent Talukdars, Independent Talukdars, Lakhiraj, Niskar, Nankar,
Mulguzari, Laws relating to Alluvion
and Diluvion; History
behind enacting the Bengal Tenancy
Act, 1885, The State Acquisition and Tenancy Act, 1950:
History behind enacting the Act, Constitutional objection, Acquisition of interest of certain receivers, special provision regarding lands held in lieu of service,
Preparation of record-
of Rights, Assessment and payment of compensation, Provisions relating to arrears
of revenue, rent
and cesses; Incidents of holding of raiyats and transfer; Purchase
and Acquisition of land. Pre emption, Meaning
of Record of Records, Record
of Rights under the
Bengal Tenancy Act, 1885; Record
of Rights under
the State Acquisition and Tenancy Act, 1950; Procedures of preparation of record of rights, Maintenance and revision of
record of rights; Evidential value of Record of Rights. Amalgamation,
sub-division and consolidation of holdings,
Land Survey Tribunal and land Survey
Appellate Tribunal. State
Acquisition Rules, 1951;
Non gricultural Tenancy
ACT, 1949; The
Land Reform ordinance, 1984.

Books Recommended

Ministry of Land, Land Administration Manual, (Vols. I & II), Dhaka: 2003.

L. Kabir: Land Laws of Bangladesh (In 4 Vols.),
Dhaka: Law House, 1982.



Law of Transfer of


Credits- 03

General principles of Transfer of Property:
Meaning and modes of Transfer of Property, Transfer by Act of parties inter- vivos– Concept and meaning of
immovable property- Transferable Immovable Property, Persons Competent to
transfer: Restraining alienation and restrictions repugnant to the interest
Created, Rule against
perpetuity and exceptions, Direction for accumulation- Vested and Contingent interest. Legal
Doctrines: Sale of immovable properties; Doctrine of Lispendence; Part performance; Mortgage; Doctrine of Marshalling, Contribution, Election
subrogation and Foreclosures; Lease, Exchange, gift
and transfer of actionable claims,
Registration of Documents.

Books Recommended

D.L.R., Transfer of Property Act, Third Edition, Dhaka: Dhaka Law
Reports, 2004.

Wt gvt b~iæj nK, m  ú n¯ÍvšÍi AvBb I Avjv bv, XvKv: nK cvewjKkb, 1998|



Code of Civil Procedure


Credits- 03

Introduction to Procedural Law: jurisdiction of the courts,
suits of civil nature, res judicata, place of suing,
institution of suits,
parties to the suits,
Summons: Modes of serving summons, Service of summons,
Pleadings, Issues and
other proceedings: Plaint
and written statement, Contents of Plaint and written statement, framing of issues,
discovery, inspection, admission, interrogatories and production of documents,
Special procedure: Special procedure in particular classes
of suits, Suits
by or against minors and persons of unsound mind,
Suits by or against government or public officers in their officials capacity, commissions, suits,
by or against corporations etc,
Interpleaded suits, pauper
suits; suits relating
to mortgage of immovable property. Effects of Appearance & Non Appearance: Effects of Appearance & Non Appearance of parties; Hearing
of the suit and examination of witnesses, Affidavits, Death, Marriage
and insolvency of parties. Interim orders: Arrest and attachment before
judgment, Temporary injunctions, Interlocutory orders, Appointment of receivers, Withdrawal and adjustment of suits. Miscellaneous: Execution of decrees
and orders, Appeal, review,
reference, revision, Arrest
and detention, Attachment of property, restitution.

Books Recommended

Government Publication, Code of Civil Procedure 1908 with Amendments.

MvRx kvgQzi ingvb, `Iqvbx Kvh©wewai fvl¨, XvKv: LvkivR wKZve gnj, 1986|

Second Year Fourth Semester



Law of Registration and


Credits- 03

Law of

Register able documents, Place of registration, Time of presentation
documents or registration, Enforcing Matter of Registration: Enforcing the appearance
of expectants and witnesses, Effect of registration, Duties and power of
registration officers, Refusal to register, Fees for registration, searches and


interpretation and application of the Limitation Act, Limitation of Suits,
Appeals and Application: Waiver of limitation, Limitation of Suits, Appeals and
Application, Period of Limitation: Computation of Period of Limitation, Grounds
of exemption from exemption of period of limitations, Suspension of limitation,
Acquisition of Ownership: Acquisition of Ownership by Possession, Acquisition
of easement rights, Limitation in suit for recovery of land.

Books Recommended

Law of Registration and Limitation, DLR Publication.

Shaukat Mahmood, The Registration Act, Lahore: 1991.



Fiscal Law


Credits- 03

A brief
history and evaluation of the present Income Tax Ordinance (XXXVI of 1984) in
Bangladesh Structure and Shape of the Income Tax Law, Definition: Assessee,
classification, Residential Status, Tax payers Identification Number or TIN,
Total Income Taxes, Income year, Assessment year, perquisites, Investment Tax
Credit, Assessment Procedures, Payment of Tax by the Assessee after the Receipt
of Notice of Demand, Recovery of Tax from the Assessee in Default, Refund of
Tax. Imposition of Penalty, Mode of Payment of Tax before Assessment: Deduction
of Tax at Sources, Advance Payment of Tax, Heads of Income: Income from
Salaries, Interest on Securities, Income from House Properties, Agriculture
Income, Income from Business or Profession, Capital Gain, Income from Other
Sources; Method of Accounting, Income Tax Authority, Exemptions,
Responsibilities as a Tax payer under VAT, Accounting and Books to are
Maintained Compulsorily, Tax Collection and Payment application of VAT.
Offences and penalties, appeal, Draw Back for Imported Goods, Effect of VAT

Books Recommended

M. Nurunnabi, A Commentary on Income Tax Laws, Rajshahi: 2001.

Government Publication on Income on Income Tax.


Company Law


Credits- 03

History of
Company Laws Beginning from The Crown Till the Passing of Company’s Act,
l994’,The Nature of Legal Personality and Lifting of Veil of Incorporation,
Advantages and Disadvantages of Companies with Reference to Decided Cases,
Formation of the Company : The Preparation and Submission of the Memorandum and
Articles of Association, The Duties and Liabilities of Promoters, The
Requirements for Prospectuses and Liabilities thereof, Different Types of
Companies, The Role of Registrar of Companies, Majority Rule and Minority
Protection, Fraud o Minority, Memorandum of Association, The Relation Between
Company and Outside The Doctrine of Liability of Company and Director For Ultra
Vires Acts,. Alteration of Objects, Constrictive Notice and Indoor Management,
The Commission, of Torts by the Company, Vicarious Liability and the Alter Ego
Doctrine, Article of Association and Alteration of Articles, The Relation
Between the Company and Its Members and among the Members Inters, Directors
Appointment, Dismissal, Disqualification, Duties, Powers and Limitations,
Managing Director Management of the Company Meeting, Voting and resolutions,
Division of Function Functions among Officers and Organs of the Company, Shares
and Debentures. Registration, Different Classes of Shares, Rights of Different
Classes and the Variation of Share Rights Capital : Raising, Maintaining and
Reducing the Capital, Discounts, Premiums, Payment of Dividends and Purchase by
the Company of Its Shares, Winding-Up : Types of Winding-Up, Powers and Duties
of the Liquidator, Partnership : Definition and Nature of Partnership,
Formation of Partnership, Test of Partnership, Kinds of Partners, Relation of
Partners to One Another Relation with Third Parties, Implied Authority, Mutual
Rights and ‘Liabilities, Dissolution Firm and Consequences, Registration of
Firms, Effects of Non- Registration.

Books Recommended

Bangladesh Gazette (Latest): The Company Act, 1994.

Dr. M. Zahir Company Law, UPL, 2000.

L.C.B. Gower and Davies: Principles of Modern Company, 7th Edition,
Sweet, and Maxwell, 2003.



Law of Public Demands Recovery and Arthha Rin
Adalat Ain


Credits- 03

Law of Public Demands Recovery

Nature and
Scope: of the Pubic Demands Recovery Service and Effect Certificates and
Hearing of Objections thereto, Execution of Certificate, Attachment, Sale and
Aside of Sale. Purchaser after Sale and Setting Aside of Sale, Resistance to
Purchaser after Sale, Arrest, Detention and Release, Reference to Civil court,
Supplementary, Provision Costs, Compensation, Appeal, Bar to Second Appeal,
Revision, Review, Application of the Limitation Penalties.

Arthha Rin
Adalat Ain

Laws relating to Artha Rin Adalat: A brief introduction to Artha Rin
Adalat Ain, 2003, definitions, composition and jurisdiction of Artha Rin
Adalat, procedure of trial before Artha Rin Adalat, settlement of dispute in
alternative way, execution of decrees passed by Artha Rin Adalat, provisions
for appeal and revision.

Books Recommended

DLR, Public Demands Recovery Act

Sultan Ahmed, The Public Demands Recovery Act, Anupam Gyan Bhandar; 2nd
rev. and enl. ed edition (1991).

S C Sarkar, Public Demands Recovery Act, Calcutta: [1966].



Law of Media


Credits- 03

Media and
Mass Media, Its Purposes and Role, Forms of Media- Electronic Media and Print
Media, A Brief History of Media Laws and Regulations, Freedom of Expression,
Media and Good Governance, Yellow Journalism, Reasons and Way Outs for
Prevention of Yellow Journalism, Media Aggression, Press Syndicates and NGO’s,
Press Reforms in Bangladesh, Government Policies of Private and Satellite TV
Channels: Procedure of Issuing Licence, Autonomy of Bangladesh Radio,
Television: Problems and Prospect, Regulatory Agencies of Broadcasting Media,
Satellite TV Channels in Bangladesh and their Regulations, Right to Information
Act, Cinematograph and Censorship Laws in Bangladesh.


Abu Naser Md. Gaziul Huq, Mass Media Laws in Bangladesh

S. Kundra, Media Laws and Indian Constitution, Anmol Publisher (2005)

Geoffrey Robertson, Andrew G. L. Nicol, Media Law, Penguin: 3 April 2008

Durga Das Basu, Law of the Press, Prentice Hall of India: 1986.


Third Year Fifth Semester



Code of Criminal Procedure


Credits- 03

Constitution and Powers
of Criminal Courts,
General Provisions: Aid and information to Magistrate, Police
and persons making
arrest, Arrest, Escape and Retaking, Process to compel Appearance,
Process to compel production of documents, movable property and for the
discovery of persons wrongfully confined, Examination of Witnesses, Record of
statements and confession, Proceedings in Prosecutions: Jurisdiction of Criminal Courts
in inquiries and Trials, Complaints to Magistrate, Commencement of proceedings before
Magistrate, Charge, Trial of cases by Magistrate, Summary Trials, Trials
before Court of Session, Provisions as to inquiries and trials, Mode
of taking and recording
evidence in inquiries and trials, Judgment, Submission of sentences for confirmation, Execution, Suspensions, Remissions and Commutation of sentences, Previous acquittals or convictions, Appeal, Reference and
Revision: Appeals, Reference and Revision, Time for disposal of Appeal and Revision,


Government Publication, The Code of Criminal Procedure
(Act V of 1898).

Ratanlal and Dhirajlal, The Code of Criminal Procedure, Agra: Wadhwa and company, 1997.



Law of


Credits- 03

Definition and functions of evidence, Classification of evidence, Relevancy of Facts: Motive,
preparation and conduct, Facts showing state
of mind, Dying declaration, Admission, Confession, Statement
by persons who cannot be called as witnesses, Relevancy
of certain statements made in special circumstances, Relevancy of judgments, opinions of third
person and characters, Proof of Facts:
Facts need not be proved,
Specific rules of burden
of proof, Estoppels,
Oral and Documentary Evidence: Oral evidence, Documentary evidences, Documentary evidences, Exclusion of oral by documentary evidences, Witnesses: Competent witness,
Some questions that arise regarding witness, Examination of witness.


D.LR., The Evidence
Act, 3rd Edition,

Ratanlal Dhirajal, Law of Evidence,
India: 2004.



Law of
Intellectual property


Credits- 03

Introduction: Definition of intellectual
property law, Evolution and role of intellectual property law, Copyright:
Development of copy right law, Subject matter of copy right
protection, Limitations on copy right
protection, Piracy and infringement, Remedies, New technology and copy right, Patent: Patents and technological development, Requirements for
patentability and ownership of patents, Scope of exclusive rights and duration
of protection, Patents infringement, Defenses
and remedies, Trademarks: Definition and functions
of trademarks, Reasons
for the protection of trademarks, Acquisition of trademark right,
Registration procedure, Duration of protection and
renewal, Termination, World
Intellectual property organization (WIPO):
Objective and functions of WIPO, Paris
convention, New development in intellectual property.


P. Narayanan, Law of Intellectual Property, India: 1993.

World Intellectual Property
Organization (WIPO), United Nation Publication, 1993.



Labour Law


Credits- 03

Development of labour and industrial laws during British,
Pakistani and Bangladeshi period prior to the codification of 2006, Definitions, Employment and Conditions of employment, classification of workers, appointment letter and identity
card, service record,
register of workers
and its contents, leave procedure, stoppage, closure, lock-out, lay-off,
death benefit, retrenchment, discharge, misconduct and its punishment, procedure for punishment, termination by employer,
termination by worker, retirement of worker, provident fund, eviction from
residence, grievance procedure, Employment of young workers.
Maternity benefits: Prohibition of employment of women workers
in certain cases
due to maternity, right to receive
maternity benefits and
liability to pay,
amount of such
benefits, amount of benefits in case of death of women worker,
Health and Hygiene, Safety, Welfare, Working hours and leaves. Wages
and its payment, Wage Board, Compensation for accidental injuries. Trade unions and industrial relations, Dispute resolution, Labour Court, Labour
Appellate Tribunal, legal procedure etc.,
Workers participation in company’s
turnover, Provident fund, Offences, penalties and procedure, Labour
policy of the Bangladesh Government


Nirmalendu Dhar, Bangladesh Sromo Ain, 2006, 1st Edition,
Dhaka: 2006.

DLR. Bangladesh Labour Code, Dhaka:



Business Law


Credits- 03

Law of Negotiable Instruments: definition of negotiable instrument, different kinds of negotiable instrument, holder and holder
in due course, parties to a
negotiable instrument, negotiation, liability of parties to a negotiable
instrument, presentment of negotiable instruments, discharge from liability, dishonour of cheques, Law
of Agency: definition and general rules,
creation of agency,
classes of agents,
delegation of authority by agent, duties and rights of agent, extent
of agent’s authority, responsibilities of principal to third party,
liability of undisclosed principal, concealed
personal liability of agent to third party, termination of agency, Law of Partnership: nature of partnership, relations of partners
to one another, relations of partners to third parties,
introduction, retirement and expulsion of a partner, insolvency of a partner, rights
and obligations of incoming and outgoing partners,
dissolution of a partnership firm, registration of a partnership firm, Law of Arbitration: Arbitration agreement, jurisdiction of court in respect
of matters covered
by arbitration agreement, composition, jurisdiction & proceedings of arbitral tribunal,
arbitral award, recourse against
arbitral award, enforcement of arbitral awards,
recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral
awards, provision for appeal, Law of Bankruptcy.

Books Recommended

1.  Charlesworth, Business
Sweet & Maxwell,
16th Edition, London:

2.  Roy Goode, Commercial Law, 3rd Edition,
London: 2004.

Third Year Sixth Semester



Specific Relief Act and Alternative Dispute


Credits- 03

Specific Relief Act

Introduction: Scope, Extent
and Application of Specific Relief
Act, Recovery of possession of property, The Specific Performance of Contracts:
Contracts which may be specifically enforced, Contracts which cannot be
specifically enforced, Rectification, Rescission Cancellation of Instruments: The Rectification of instruments, The
Rescission of Contracts, Cancellation of Instruments, Declaratory Decrees and
Appointment of Receivers, Duties
of the Receiver, Preventive Relief: Injunctions generally, Temporary and permanent injunction, Mandatory Injunction.

Alternative Dispute Resolution

Meaning and Nature
of ADR, Recent
Developments of ADR in Bangladesh, Legal Provisions Regarding Different Types of ADR in Bangladesh:
The Code of Civil Procedure, 1908; The Family
Courts Ordinance, 1985;
The Arbitration Act, 2001; The Artha Rin Adalat Ain, 2003; The Village
Court Act, 2006; The Conciliation of Disputes (Municipal Areas) Board Act,
2001; The Bankruptcy Act, 1997; ADR under Labour
Laws; Criminal justice
delivery system and ADR.


D.L.R, Specific Relief Act, Dhaka: 1997.

Henry J. Brown,
Arthur L. Marriott, ADR Principles and Practice, [3rd Ed: London, 2011].



Interpretation of Statutes and General Clauses Act


Credits- 03

Interpretation of Statutes

Definition of Statutes, Forms and Types
of Statutes, Difference between Statutes and Other Laws,
Interpretation and Construction, Approach to Interpretation, Necessity of Interpretation, Maxims
of Interpretation, Types of Interpretation: Historical, Grammatical, Teleological,
Jurisprudential, Purposive, Sociological, Harmonious Construction; Rules of Interpretation- Golden Rules and Mischief Rules,
Interpretation of Non-Obstante
Clauses, Presumptions in Interpretation, Internal and External Aid to
Interpretation; Working Papers- Comparison between Interpretation of Statutes, Interpretation of Constitution and
Interpretation of International Treaties, Understanding Interpretation from Case Laws.

General Clauses Act 1897

Objectives of the Act, General
Definitions, Application of Certain Definitions to all Bangladeshi Laws, General Rules
of Construction, Powers
and Functionaries, Provisions as to Orders,
Rules, etc. made under Enactment
and Provisions.

Books Recommended

Aharon Barak, Purposive Interpretation in Law, [Princeton University Press (September 16, 2007)]

F A R Bennion, Statutory
Interpretation, [Pub: Butterworths; 2001]

N S Bindra, Interpretation of Statutes, [Twelfth
edition (24 October



Administrative Law


Credits- 03

Meaning and Nature of Administrative Law, Importance of Administrative Law, Rule of Law and Droit Administratiff, Separation of Powers
and Administrative Law, Origin and Development of Administrative Law in U.K., U.S.A., and South Asian Countries, Legislative Powers of Administration, Delegated Legislation, Limits of
Delegated Legislation, Concept of Ultra
, Administrative Adjudication, Administrative Tribunals, Control
of Judicial Power,
Exercise of Administrative Discretion and Its Limits, Control
of Administrative Powers
and Actions -Judicial Review, Writs Public Interest Litigation, Ombudsman, Public Corporations,
Government Liability, Decentralization of Administration – Its Aims and Objectives, Local Government and Local Self-Government in Bangladesh.

Books Recommended

Hood Philips, Constitutional Law and Administrative Law, Publisher:
Sweet & Maxwell; 8th edition (2001)]

C. K. Thacker, Administrative Law, Eastern Book Company; 2nd Edition, 2012.

M. P. Jain, Administrative Law, Lexis Nexis India; Seventh edition (2011).



Law of Corporate


Credits- 03

Definition, characteristics, and kinds of companies, Historical background of the concept of the company,
Corporate personality: its nature and effects; Solomon vs. Solomon
& Co. principle; lifting the corporate veil, Formation of a company:
preparation and submission of the Memorandum and Articles of Association; the duties and liabilities of promoters, Majority
Rule and the Minority protection; fraud on the minority, Corporate Consultation: Memorandum and Articles of the company; clauses of the
Memorandum; contents of the memorandum and the Article; doctrine of ultra vires;
alteration of the Memorandum and the Articles;
the doctrine of Constructive Notice;
the doctrine of Indoor Management, The relation between
the company and its members, Corporate Management, Corporate Financing: debt
financing and equity financing, Winding-up of companies, Corporate
Social Responsibility (CSR),
Bank Companies Act (1991) and
basic banking operations & Islamic banking.


Avtar Singh, Company Law, Eastern Book Co. [17th Edition 2018]

K. C. Shekhar, Banking Theory and Practice, UBS Publisher Distributors
Ltd., Delhi. 21th Edition: 2018



Law and


Credits- 03

The idea of
sociology of law and its relation to law and to sociology, Law and the rise of
the social sciences, The theoretical move towards the sociology of law,
Knowledge about the sociology of law and jurisprudence, Sociology of law and
the antinomies of modern thought, Max Weber on the rationalization of law,
Emile durkheim on law and social solidarity, From sociological jurisprudence to
sociology of law, Law and Economics: the regulation of free market, Law and
Politics: the role of democratic law, Law and Integration: the legal
profession, Legal culture in the sociology of law, Rethinking legal culture,
The globalization of law.

(A list of
books, journal articles, leading cases, reports, websites etc. will be
circulated by the concerned Course teacher)


Year Seventh Semester



Public International Law


Credits- 03

Nature and Historical Development of International Law, Sources of
International Law, The subjects of International Law, States as the principal
subjects of International Law, The different kinds of States and Non-state
entities, International Persons, Neutralized States, Individuals as Subjects of
International Law, Recognition, State Territory, Sovereignty and its limitation
over State territory, International Rivers and their Regimes, Nationality,
Extradition, Intervention, State Succession, State Responsibility, Rights and
Duties of States, Diplomatic Immunities, Diplomatic Envoys and Consuls, Special
Diplomatic Mission, Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges, The Law and Practices
of Treaties, Executive Agreements, International Conventions, Formation and
Ratification of Treaties, Law of the Sea, Concept of High Seas, Territorial
Sea, Maritime Belt, Hot Pursuit, Piracy, Contiguous Zone, Exclusive Economic
Zone and Continental Shelf, High Seas and Deep Sea-bed (Common Heritage), The
United Nations, Composition and the Role of the UN Organs.

Books Recommended

M.N. Shaw, International Law,
(3rd Ed.), London: 1991.

wgRvbyi ingvb,  cwieZ©bkxj wek¦ AvšÍR©vwZK AvBb, XvKv: 2003|



to Human Rights


Credits- 03

Basic Concepts of Human Rights, Development of International Human Right
Law, International human rights instruments, Regional human rights instruments,
Human rights with special reference to Bangladesh. Institutional Structure of
International Human Rights Law: Major Treaties and Supervision, Obligations and
Limitations, Civil and Political Rights: Right to Life and Livelihood,
Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Theories of Human Rights; Collective
Rights: Right to Self-Determination, Relating factors of Human Rights: Human
Rights and Non-State Actors, Human Rights and the State of Emergency,
International Human Rights and Armed Conflict, Human Rights and Refugees, Human
Rights: Culture and Religion, Relevant Conventions: Declaration of the Rights
of the Child 1923; Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UN, 1948); Vienna
Declaration and Programme of Action (World Conference on Human Rights, 1993),
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), International
Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights, Convention on the
Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination, Against Women (CEDAW), Indigenous
and Tribal Peoples Convention, 1989 (ILO 169).

Books Recommended

Dr. S K Kapoor, International Law and Human Rights, New Delhi: 2001.

Dr. Mofizul Islam Patwary, International Human Rights Law, Dhaka: HEAB, 2004.





Credits- 03

An introduction to the Environmental law: The laws (in international and
national perspective) related to the Protection of the environment, the study
of different strategies of environmental protection, National and International
Environmental Institutions, Regional Environmental Developments, Bangladesh
Environmental Conservation Act, 1995: -Department of Environment, Power and
functions of the Director, Declaration of ecologically critical area, Remedial
measures for injury to ecosystem, Information to the Director General regarding
environmental degradation or pollution, Environmental clearance, Appeal,
Penalties, Claim for compensation, Offences committed by companies.
Environmental Conservation Rules, 1997: Declaration of Ecologically Critical
Area, Vehicles emitting, smoke injurious to health and otherwise harmful,
Application relating to pollution or degradation of environment, Notice for
collection of Sample, Procedure for issuing Environmental Clearance
Certificate, Validity period of Environmental Clearance Certificate,
Appeal,  Procedure for payment of
fees,  Role of Department of
Environment,  Conservation  of Playing field, Open space, Garden and
Natural Water Body Act, 2000. The Environment Court Act 2000: Establishment of
Environment Courts, Jurisdiction of Environment Court, Procedure for
investigation, Procedure and power of Environment Court, Authority of
Environment Court to inspect, Appeal, Environment Appeal Court.

Books Recommended

Mohiuddin Farooque & S. Rizwana Hasan, Law Regulating Environment
in Bangladesh, Dhaka: BELA, 1996.

B.C.A.S., Guide to the Environmental Conservation Act, 1995 & Rules
1997, Dhaka: 1999.



Cyber Law


Credits- 03

Definition of cyber law: scope of cyber law, concept of cyberspace,
international cyberspace law, advantage of cyber law, Sides of cyber law or ICT
act of Bangladesh: Criticism and weakness of ICT Act 2006, Authentication of
electronic records by digital signature: Use of electronic records and digital
signature in govt. office, Power to make rules by govt. in respect of digital
signature, What is damage to computer system: Penalty for damages, Cyber
pornography and privacy, Structure, power, procedure of cyber tribunal, human
rights in cyberspace, uniform cyberspace regulation.

Books Recommended

Richard Spinello, Cyberethics:
Morality and Law in Cyberspace,
New York:

Justice Jotindra Singh, Cyber law,
New Delhi: 2011.


LAW-101 (L)

History of the Emergence
of Bangladesh


Credits- 03

Partition of Bengal, Shadeshi movement and Muslim society of Bengal,
Politics of Congress and Muslim league Khilafat and Non cooperation movement in
Bengal. Rise and expansion of leftist movement in Bengal, Krisok proja samitiin
Bengal politcs, Election of 1937 and Fazlul Haq cabinet, Femine of 1943,
Expansion of Muslim league politics. Hindu Muslim communal conflict of 1940


partion of
Bengal in 1947, Industry, Business Agriculture and communication system of
Bengal (1905-1947), language Movement (1948-52), Election of 1954, Martial Law
in 1958, Six points Movement, Eleven Points Movement, Mass Upsurge of the 1969,
Genaral Election of 1970, Liberation war of 1971.

Books Recommended

Abul Maal A. Muthith, History of Bangladesh, A Sub continental Civilisation, Dhaka:
University Press Ltd. 2016.

AvkdvK nvmb, evsjv`ki Afy¨`q I RvwZmsN, XvKv: evsjv GKvWgx, 2002

W. gv: kvnRvnvb,   ^vaxb evsjv`ki Afz¨`qi BwZnvm, XvKv:  qwbKv cÖKvkbx, 2014|

W. gv: gvneyeyi ingvb, evsjv`ki BwZnvm 19471971, XvKv: mgq cÖKvkb, 2012|

Fourth Year Eighth Semester




Lawyering Skills and Professional Etiquettes


Credits- 03

Basic ideas
on legal drafting, Non-contentious drafting: (Notice, Opinion writing, oaths
and affidavit, Power of  attorney,
Lease  deed, Will, Mortgage, Deed of
gift, Deed of trust etc.) Lower court: Civil and Criminal Drafting (Drafting of
FIR, General Diary, Petition Case, Bail, Application, Plaint, Application for
temporary injunction, Written Statement, Application for withdrawal of a suit,
Appeal against an order), Supreme Court Drafting (Drafting a Writ Petition,
criminal Appeal, criminal revision, petition for civil revision). Origin and
Development of Professional Conduct and Etiquette, Conduct with Regard to other
Advocates, Conduct with Regard to Clients, Duty to the Court, Conduct with
Regard to the Public Generally, Laws Regarding Dresses of Advocate

Books Recommended

N.S. Bindra, Law of Conveyancing, Draftsman and Interpretations of
Deeds, India: Delhi Law House, 2002.

G.M. Kothari, Principles & Precedents of the Law of Conveyancing,
Draftsman, & Interpretation of Deeds & Documents, India: Law Book Co., 1995.



Clinical Legal Education


Credits- 03

Ethics and a Professional Accounting System, Factual Investigation: Client
interviewing and marshalling of facts, Opinion Drafting, Alternative Dispute
Resolution Systems, Drafting of Pleadings: Plaints and Written Statements,
Drafting FIR and Complaint, Drafting Bail Petition, Trial Advocacy Skills:
Opening Statement, Examination-in-Chief, Cross Examination, Closing Argument.

Moot Court,
Placement (Government Agencies, NGOs, and International Organizations),
Professional Ethics and a Professional Accounting System, Factual
Investigation: Client interviewing and marshalling of facts, Opinion Drafting,
Alternative Dispute Resolution Systems Drafting of Pleadings: Plaints and
Written Statements, Drafting FIR and Complaint, Drafting Bail Petition, Trail
Advocacy Skills: Opening Statement, Examination-in Chief, Cross Examination,
Closing Argument.



Legal Research and Writing


Credits- 03

Nature, Importance and Objectives of Legal Research, Different Kinds of
Research, Types of Legal Research, Kinds of Research Methodology, Design and
Steps in Legal Research, Case Law Research, Research on Statutes, Questionnaire
Survey, Observation, Use of Referencing Style and Bibliography, Source of
Materials, Role of Information Technology and Internet in Legal Research,
Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty, Writing Styles and Reasoning, Preparation
of Research Design.


Books Recommended

C R Kothari, Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques, New Age
International, 2004

H N Tewari, Legal Research Methodology, Allahabad Law Agency (2016)

Abdullah Al Faruque, Essential of Legal Research, 2nd Print, 2017




Term Paper


Credits- 03



LAW-409 (V)

Viva Voce


Credits- 03

উৎস ঃ

Syllabus for Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) Honors Program পিডিএফ ডাউনলোড করুন

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