Explanation: Great and acknowledged force is not impaired, either in effect or in opinion, by an unwillingness to exert itself. The superior power may offer peace with honor and with safety.

Answer: The quoted sentences occur in the introductory part of Edmund Burke’s famous delivery “Speech on Conciliation with America”. Burke here comments that the prestige of a great country is not

damaged for its unwillingness to exercise its authority. What he means is that to end the quarrel between England and America the offer of conciliation should be made by England which is the stronger party.

Because of England’s policy of taxation chaotic situation engulfed the colonies in America. Now England is under the serious threat of losing the wealthy colonies. It is at this critical moment Burke comes up with his resolutions of conciliation with America in the House. He says that an offer of conciliation from England will not lower her prestige either in reality or in public opinion. If England offers peace it will indicate her magnanimity because everyone already knows that England is the superior force. Any unwillingness on the part of a greater power to exert its authority does not tarnish its image. Burke is of the opinion that England has nothing to fear. By proposing peace with America England will not lose its prestige and security. Rather such an act will increase her honor and it will be deemed as an act of generosity on the part of the superior force. The lines indicate Burke’s political sagacity and his intense willingness to establish peace between England and America.