Answer the following questions to write a paragraph on ‘Arsenic Problem’.(a) What is arsenic? (b) What disease does it lead to? (c) What is the source of arsenic? (d) How do people get affected by arsenic? (e) How can we ...
QNA BD Latest Articles
A good citizen Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC

Answer the following questions to write a paragraph on ‘A Good Citizen’. (a) What do you mean by a good citizen? (b) What are the characteristics of a good citizen? (c) How can a person be a good citizen? (d) How ...
A Day Laborer Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC

Answer the following questions to write a paragraph on ‘A Day Labourer’. (a) Who is a day labourer? (b) Where does he work? (c) What are his daily activities? (d) What problems does he face in life? A day labourer ...
Drug Addiction Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC

Drug Addiction Drug means medicine. Drug is used for curing disease. There are some special drugs which are regularly taken for getting amusement. This habit of regular taking drugs is regarded as drug addiction. The persons who are habituated in ...
Leisure Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC

Leisure There are many kinds of reliefs in daily life. Leisure is one kind of them. It is a temporary relief from the monotony routine task of our daily life. Most villagers spend their leisure gossiping with others. Maximum gossiping ...
Morning Walk Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC

Morning Walk Men walk at any time as per his necessity. But when a man walks in the morning for the benefit of his health, it is called “Morning walk”. It is a kind of physical exercise. It is regarded ...
Price rise / Price hike Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC

Price-rise / Price-hike Price-rise is an economic term which means the increasing rate of products. It hampers the growth of economy. Bangladesh is an under-developed country. Almost all of the under-developed countries of the world are in the grip of ...
Mobile Phone Paragraph pdf download

Mobile Phone Mobile Phone is a great invention of the modern world. It is a cordless or moveable object. It is an important medium of communication which helps to communicate with the people of the world within the shortest possible ...
Patriotism Paragraph pdf download – Exam Cares

Patriotism Patriotism is a noble virtue. It means the love for a country. A true patriot is an unselfish lover of his country. He is proud of his country. He loves not only his own country but also other nations. ...
Friendship Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC

Friendship Friendship is a human Intestine between two persons not bounded by any relationship. It is a relationship which is based on the union of same minded persons. It is a great blessing of Allah to human. It adds to ...