Question: Show Spenser as a pictorial artist with reference to The Faerie Queene Book I. Or, Spenser paints in words. Discuss. Answer: Spenser is one of the renowned pictorial artists in English poetry and his pictures are life-like and colourful. ...
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Discuss the elements of the Renaissance in The Faerie Queene Book-I
Question: Discuss the elements of the Renaissance in The Faerie Queene Book-I. Or, In what sense is Spenser a child of the Renaissance? Answer: The Renaissance marked the end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of the modern world. The ...
Trace medieval elements in The Faerie Queene Book I
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Describe the significance of the invocation of The Faerie Queene
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How does Spenser blend the Medieval, the Renaissance and the Reformation elements in The Faerie Queene Book-I?
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