“I give you my blessing and so on. Only leave me in peace!”-What does the speaker intend to mean by this comment?
The above-quoted line has been extracted from the play The Proposal’ written by Anton Chekhov. Here the speaker is Stepan Stepanovitch Chubukov. He says these words when he finds that Lomov has come back to his senses. Chubukov is desperate to get his daughter married and he seizes the opportunity. He orders the still giddy Lomov to get married. Though Lomov never got the chance to propose Natalya, Chubukov answers for her. He hastily thrusts Natalya’s hand into Lomov’s and utters these words. It appears that he is tired and fed-up with Lomov, Natalya and the burdensome task of getting his daughter married. Hence, he wants to be released of a father’s duty by blessing the couple and thus get rid of them. In this way, Chekhov satirises the Russian upper-middle-class society and its customs.
“I … I’m happy too. …”- Who is the speaker? When did the speaker say this? What happened then?
Here the speaker is Natalya Stepanovna.
Natalya and Lomov were quarrelling over their pet dogs when her father Chubukov, being fed-up with Lomov and Natalya, gave his blessings and gave permission for their marriage. Natalya, at that time, felt happy to be married and said so.
Chubukov heaved a sigh of relief as he was free from the tension of his daughter’s marriage. He wanted to celebrate the occasion and wanted no more fight between Natalya and Lomov. So he calmed them down by offering some champagne.
“I ….I’m happy too. ….” -Who says this and when? Why is the speaker ‘happy? How would you explain her happiness?
“What a weight off my shoulders…!”-What aspect of the social condition is revealed by Chubukov through this comment?
“But … still you will admit now that Guess is worse than Squeezer.”-Who is the speaker? Whom is the speaker addressing? Describe the incident involving Guess and Squeezer.
“… that’s a way to start your family bliss!”-Who is the speaker? What way has been referred to here? Give your view on what the speaker says.
Discuss ‘The Proposal as a farcical satire.
Comment on the theme of marriage in this play. How do Lomov and Natalya contribute to this theme?
How did Chubukov welcome Lomov when he paid them a visit?
How does Chubukov react to Lomov proposal?
On what issues did Lomov and Natalya quarrel at first? How did their argument come to an end?
Why did Lomov think about taking a decision about getting married? Whom did he want to marry? Why?
What are Oxen Meadows? What is the measure of the land? What is the controversy?
Describe the episode where Lomov and Chubukov engage themselves in an argument regarding the past incidents of each others’ families.
Why did Natalya and Lomov quarrel over dogs?
When does Natalya come to know of the proposal? How does she react? Why does she react in this way?
How did the second argument come to an end?
Narrate in brief what happened at Marusinsky hunt.
Describe the reaction of Natalya and her father thinking that Lomov is dead.
Is Lomov really ill or is he hypochondriac? Give reasons for your answer.